The River Findhorn

2023-06-18 Walking the River Findhorn from Relugas Mill to Logie: four miles with a cumulative 1,200 feet ascent

The River Findhorn

Track by The River Findhorn

The River Findhorn from the Daltulich Bridge

Commemorative Plaque high on the cliffface above t…

18 Jun 2023 32
"To our truly dear friend, Charles Lennox Cumming Bruce who through these woods and rocks and along the inaccessible sections of the river, built this very pleasant path in the year 1856. The motivation for this plaque came from twenty friends with a grateful heart. George Robert Smith"

You have been warned!

At some points the river is a sheer drop of a hund…

OS Maps track

Large tranquil pool near Logie on the Findhorn

At some points the river is a sheer drop of a hund…

Where the River Divie joins the River Findhorn

The River Findhorn from the Daltulich Bridge

Steps for anglers to reach The River Findhorn

The River Findhorn

The River Findhorn

Panny Laing's Longhorns at Logie