Abandoned Mill at Culdigo, Orkney

Orkneys and the Whaligoe Steps 9-12 June 2023

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Abandoned Mill at Culdigo, Orkney

The harbour at Stromness

09 Jun 2023 7

The Ring of Brodgar, Orkney at dusk

Abandoned Threshing Mill Orkney

Early morning start for Scrabster to catch the Ham…

The Old Man of Hoy

09 Jun 2023 6
The Old Man of Hoy

The Stromness Art Gallery

09 Jun 2023 7
Stromness Art Gallery

From the Stromness Art Gallery

09 Jun 2023 7
Stromness Art Gallery

The Pier Art Centre Stromness - Barbara Hepworth

09 Jun 2023 6
Barbara Hepworth

The Pier Art Centre Stromness - Barbara Hepworth

09 Jun 2023 14
Barbara Hepworth

Stromness street scene

09 Jun 2023 5

The Khyber Pass, Stromness!

09 Jun 2023 7
Khyber Pass Stromness

Orkney's premier restaurant, The Foveran

09 Jun 2023 6
The Foveran

Diners at The Foveran on a summer evening

09 Jun 2023 5
Foveran restaurant

Foveran Fare

09 Jun 2023 6
Crispy Pork Belly at the Foveran Restaurant

All too familiar a scene in the Orkneys - a ruined…

09 Jun 2023 6
Ruins near Stromness looking over to Hoy

Where there's a will there's a way - grass taking…

09 Jun 2023 29
Where there’s a will there’s a way!

The Mill of Eyrland, Orkney

09 Jun 2023 7
The Mill of Eyrland

179 items in total