Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian architecture

2022-04-03 Strathpeffer's Victorian architecture and the Eagle Stone and Maze

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

Examples of Strathpeffer's quirky Victorian archit…

03 Apr 2022 10
You wonder if the Victorians realised how tall Sequoias can grow! Having said that I planted a Metasequoia Glyptostroboides in the garden a few years ago and regret I will not ver see it at its 200'+ maturity!

Llamas above Strathpeffer!

45 items in total