Coldwaterjohn's photos

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 120
Grant Park. Forres is a multiple winner of the British Town in Bloom annual competitions.

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 125
The Scottish bagpipe Championships will be held in Grant Park Forres in 2013.

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 136
Grant Park. Forres is a multiple winner of the British Town in Bloom annual competitions.

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 141
Dreich day at the Mercat Cross in Forres. Even the hanging flower baskets look depressed!

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 117
Wet afternoon in Forres High Street

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 1 153
Would you care for a drop of Scotch Whisky from the cellar?

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 148
- and this is Scottish Baronial architecture at its finest.

A Day in the life of a tour guide to visiting fami…

22 Aug 2012 124
Please don't ask me the name of all the flowers!

A cold and frosty morning

28 Apr 2012 115
- but the sun shone all day - first time for a fortnight.

A charm of goldfinches in the plum tree 5221251154…

A bird in the hand...

06 Aug 2012 114
Young siskin, dazed after a mid-flight collision with a pane of glass. Recovered within a few minutes and was on its way.


15:32:50 Precisely!

3:15:20 on a Sunny Afternoon...

08 Feb 2013 1 172
This Hahn Landeron movement has been ticking away accurately since 1890...


2012 Calendar Possibles

12 Nov 2011 182
For viewing individually on Picasa Web Album: ( ) For large size on flickr ... ( ) Would flickr friends be kind enough to pick their 13 favourites out of the selection, assuming the pix are numbered 1-62 from the top left corner? I am hoping this year's recipients of the calendar will be kind enough to send a donation to MacMillan ( ( ) )


21 May 2013 128
Garden tulips

1920_Dali Art Deco clock?