26 Jun 2022

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160 visits

The Sunday Challenge #543 (Finale)

PIP - A few of our Challenges, Top Left - Repeating Pattern, Top Left - Musical Instrument Bottom Left - Games, Bottom Middle - Twisted Wire - Bottom Right - Behind After almost ten years, 543 Challenges and 100+ members (over the course of those ten years), TSC is ending it's challenges! Over the years, members have moved on & new members came into the group. There are still a few who have been since the beginning or close to it. Lots of fun times, lots friendships formed with lively conversation and even a few "URKS" along the way. Some of us had to leave our comfort zone at times when it came to our cameras & photography. I know I had to be "pushed" into attempting some of the challenges. Some with success and others not so much.(but did learn a lot) We survived some crazy days on the dark side before making our new home here with Ipernity. We made the leap with the rest of Ipernity to take over the Ipernity platform to call it our own. That wasn't the easiest of tasks nor were the updates that were required at that time or the ones that continue to be on the to do list. We've shared our personal life with earth other, the happy & the sad times. We supported each other dealing with the Covid19 & continue to do so. It is a different world out there with serious & dangerous situations at hand but we move forward as best we can. We gave it good run, but here we are. I hope your experience with TSC has been a pleasant one. Maybe we even learned ways to improve our photography, while we were having that fun! I find it difficult to find the words to describe how much I have enjoyed being here with Fraggs & Wendi. All of you have been the most pleasant & encouraging folks to cross my life's path, you are all very much appreciated. Keep catching the light & keep the challenges going with Jan's group. Stay Well - Laugh A Lot - Be Kind To Yourself & Others. Cheers, Chris Slava Ukrain

15 Jun 2022

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139 visits


Charlie's dad became my dad & I was so fortunate to have him in my life! A very kind and gentle man. The main picture is from when we lived on St. Thomas, VI. The picture in the PIP was taken June 15 this week for the Challenge. It was a gift from Dad as it represented that I was a teacher. It is a treasure. Slava Ukraine

12 Jun 2022

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130 visits


TSC: #541 - Something in your home that defines who/what you are. When first reading the challenge my first thought was: "I'm still a work in progress!" Tried different ideas but finally decided that my white sunglasses do help define me as I've worn white sunglasses for ever! The little frog is an example of a whimsical trait of mine, no not kissing Princes, but rather a whimsical sense of humor. Slava Ukraine

05 Jun 2022

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163 visits

Hello From Lexington

Challenge #540 - Say Hello From... wherever you are. Introduce the rest of us to your little corner of the planet by showing us a scene from where you are. Can be your home town, your street, your workplace, anywhere that's special to you. This is the view from my cozy, reading corner window. I know I've posted this view in the past, so this new one is b/w. It is also my special place in the apartment. :) Slava Ukraine

28 May 2022

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80 visits

Dish Egg Footstool

Challenge #583 The Sunday Challenge (Tryptich) Each item beginning with the letter D - E - F The one in the middle is a ceramic egg with Asian design. (PIP shows larger view with more detail.) Posted private Saturday and made made public Sunday. Slava Ukraine

15 May 2022

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91 visits

The Great Outdoors TSC: #537

Challenge #357 The Great Outdoors! The Maury River Slava Ukraine

08 May 2022

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103 visits

Spring Collar

The Sunday challenge #536 - SPRING (NOT PLANTS OR FLOWERS) Slava Ukraine

01 May 2022

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122 visits

The Sunday Challenge #535

Challenge # 535 Diptych One image beginning with the letter B and the other image beginning with the letter C Slava Ukraine

24 Apr 2022

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96 visits


TSC # 534 DREAMING Under my cozy fleece blanket, it won't be long before I am DREAMING Slava Ukraine
14 items in total