I'm frosted, but very strong...

Macro and Close-up...

Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus icarus)…

Map Butterfly / European Map ~ Landkaartje (Arasch…

12 May 2018 17 12 653
This was the first time I could make a picture of this sort of butterflies... And the second I saw! There is also a Summer generation which is coming in july / august!

Small Heath ~ Hooibeestje (Coenonympha pamphilus).…

Small Whiteface ~ White-faced Darter ~ Venwitsnutl…

15 May 2018 14 8 618
The same species as nr 1 and 2, but another example...

Small Whiteface ~ White-faced Darter ~ Venwitsnutl…

15 May 2018 15 8 640
It's the same one as nr 1, but 25 minutes later... It takes about 3-4 hours from start to finish that they can fly. It's as a miracle to see the whole proces...

Here comes a new Dragonfly... Small Whiteface ~ Wh…

15 May 2018 24 24 843
It takes about 3-4 hours from start to finish that they can fly. It's as a miracle to see the whole proces...

Zebra Longwing ~ Zebravlinder (Heliconius chariton…

09 Aug 2014 25 34 534
Botanische tuin, Utrecht...

Scarlet Mormon (Papilio deiphobus rumanzovia), mal…

09 Aug 2014 8 8 769
Botanische tuin, Utrecht...

Emerald Swallowtails ~ Green Banded Peacocks (Papi…

09 Aug 2014 12 14 687
Botanische tuin, Utrecht...

Silver-studded Blue ~ Heideblauwtje (Plebejus Argu…

10 Jun 2018 42 40 652
Last week I found a place with many butterflies of this species. I loved it so much that I was going back for two times till now...

Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus Icarus)…

25 May 2018 21 36 590
Macro Mondays 2.0: 11022019 with Dots / spots...

Holly Blue ~ Boomblauwtje (Celastrina argiolus)...

18 Aug 2012 10 20 450
Not my most beautiful one, but the only one of this species till now :-) I think I've still another, but cann't find it for the moment :-(

Small white ~ Klein koolwitje (Pieris rapae)...

20 Jun 2018 27 28 645
This butterfly I found in een large field with poppies...

Small white ~ Klein koolwitje (Pieris rapae)...

Goodbye.... I'm going home ;)

20 Jun 2018 17 12 663
Small white ~ Klein koolwitje (Pieris rapae)...

Bedstraw Hawk-Moth ~ Walstropijlstaart (Hyles gall…

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth ~ Glasvleugelpijlstaa…

07 Jun 2014 6 8 473
The most difficult butterfly I ever caught with his strong switching wings ;) But I was very happy with the result!

Surprise from 2014! Nachtvlinder-oogst bij de Cr…

454 items in total