# 34 - The Single Tree...

CWP ~ Contest without Prize...

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08 Dec 2012

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1 902 visits

# 34 - The Single Tree...

Eempolder, Netherlands... CWP - Solitary Tree - (2015/01 CWP) → first place

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22 Aug 2009

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2 138 visits

# 16 - Dreamy Evening...

CWP - A Small Boat - (2015/02 CWP) → seventh place

08 Dec 2012

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1 209 visits

# 12 - Magic Snow Scenery...

CWP - Magic Snow - (2015/03 CWP) → third place Eempolder...

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28 Sep 2013

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812 visits

# 12 - Looking out over Sintra...

10 Week Picture Project: Shapes. Week 6 (April 27th - May 3rd): RECTANGLE. CWP - Out of a window - (2015/04 CWP) → seventeenth place

02 Nov 2014

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852 visits

# 21 - Vanishing point / Four times Triangle...

10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes. Week 1: (March 23-29): Triangle CWP - Vanishing point - (2015/05 CWP) → thirteenth place

01 Nov 2009

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907 visits

Chimneys on Casa Milà (La Pedrera) 3, Barcelona...

Casa Milà, popularly known as -La Pedrera-, meaning the 'The Quarry', is a modernist building in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It was the last civil work designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, built between the years 1906 and 1910. In 1984 it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. ROOF and CHIMNEYS: the work of Gaudí on the rooftop of La Pedrera was a collective of his experience at Palau Güell, but with solutions that were clearly more innovative – this time creating shapes and volumes with more body, more prominence, and less polychromasia. On the rooftop there are six skylights/staircase exits (four of which were covered with broken pottery and some that ended in a double cross typical of Gaudí), twenty-eight chimneys in several groupings (like were designed for Casa Batlló), twisted so that the smoke came out better, two half-hidden vents whose function is to renew the air in the building, crowning the walkway that goes around this dream castle, four cupulins (domes?) that discharged to the facade. The staircases also house the water tanks; some of these are snail-shaped. The stepped roof of La Pedrera, called "the garden of warriors" by the poet Pere Gimferrer because the chimneys appear to be protecting the skylights, has undergone a radical restoration, removing chimneys added in interventions after Gaudí, television antennas, and other elements that degraded the space. The restoration brought back the splendor to the chimneys and the skylights that were covered with fragments of marble and broken Valencia tiles. One of the chimneys was topped with glass pieces – it was said that Gaudí did that the day after the inauguration of the building, taking advantage of the empty bottles from the party. It was restored with the bases of champagne bottles from the early twentieth century. The repair work has enabled the restoration of the original impact of the overhangs made of stone from Ulldecona with fragments of tiles. This whole set is more colorful than the facade, although here the creamy tones are dominant.

01 Oct 2011

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1 167 visits

# 1 - Horse Love...

CWP - Animals - (2015/07 CWP) → second place Love the early morning Silhouettes...

17 May 2014

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#22 The Three old Chairs...

CWP - Chairs - (2015/8 CWP) → seventeenth place

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18 Apr 2010

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1 211 visits

#5 Smoking Cigarettes..?

Upside-down reflection ;) Houten, the Netherlands... CWP - Reflections - (2015/9 CWP) → second place
33 items in total