Daisy in Winter Cloth...


Running November Moment deep in the Wood...

13 Nov 2017 27 26 885

It's Autumn, so time for some yellow mushrooms fro…

15 Sep 2015 8 12 721
Van links naar rechts: Hanekam of Cantharel, Groene knolamaniet (dodelijk giftig), Gele aardappelbovist met Kleverig koraalzwammetje, Gewoon zwavelkopje, Heksenboter, en weer het Kleverig koraalzwammetje, Zonnerussula (vrij zeldzaam), Dennenvlamhoed, Geel hoorntje en Dennenvoetzwam...

Clouded Yellow ~ Oranje luzernevlinder (Colias cro…

Common blue ~ Icarusblauwtje (Polyommatus icarus),…

Burren Green ~ Groene weide-uil (Calamia tridens).…

Flower Girl(s)... (+ 2x PiP)

Green hairstreak in Love ♥ ~ Groentje (Callophrys…

Just a Survivor: IMA is coming up!

Creative with Rape seed...

Koolzaad is één van de langst bloeiende bermbloeme…


Orange tip ~ Oranjetipje (Anthocharis cardamines)…

09 Apr 2017 16 24 814
For the first time of my life I saw this beautiful small butterfly. He was going very fast, so I was super happy that I could make this pictures... They made my day ♥

Peacock ~ Dagpauwoog (Aglais io)...

Orange tip ~ Oranjetipje (Anthocharis cardamines)…

09 Apr 2017 8 8 519
For the first time of my life I saw this beautiful small butterfly. He was going very fast, so I was super happy that I could make this pictures... They made my day ♥

Two or three in a row :-)

18 Jun 2012 27 40 790
Happy Fency Friday for All of you, wishing by the Birds :-)

Zonder container (=PiP)

Blue Dissonant to the Right... (+PiP: without the…

02 Nov 2016 37 38 791
Stulpselaan, Lage Vuursche: North to South...

Cycling in the Autumn Wood...

91 items in total