20220103 122329

__2022_01_03__ DIY / MYOG

Folder: 2022 Albums

03 Jan 2022

2 favorites

1 comment

44 visits

20220103 122329

top: McKinley pack, bottom: old mammut badile 56 pack

03 Jan 2022

2 favorites

1 comment

49 visits

20220103 122603

detail of "badile"

03 Jan 2022

33 visits

20220103 122549

the "hardware" of badile pack

24 Feb 2022

1 favorite

51 visits

20220224 120540

sturdy hip belt, large flap pockets, 20mm dia aluminum stays

24 Feb 2022

1 favorite

58 visits

20220224 120509

Packframe MKIII 840grs/29.6oz ready to go

29 Mar 2022

2 favorites

39 visits

20220329 075945

ultralight suspender - scale is a precision scientific scale 0-60grs

15 May 2022

2 favorites

43 visits

20220515 162704

0.5mm dia nozzle

15 May 2022

4 favorites

47 visits

20220515 162749

Cone, plugged with the blast-tube

15 May 2022

2 favorites

41 visits

20220515 162700

copper blast-tube and nozzle to plug the tip of the cone
10 items in total