Lesson 1 - Ancient Egypt

Janet Perry's Color Through the Ages

A new Janet Perry online "club" with lessons in color as their use "evolved" through time.

Each piece is a "twinchie" (A two-inch square) with a pattern and color combination reminiscent of the age it represents.


rifestitch wrote on Mar 22
Pretty - this could go in my Rainforest Crunch!

22 Mar 2012

131 visits

Lesson 1 - Ancient Egypt

completed March 21, 2012.

23 Apr 2012

89 visits

Lesson 2 - Ancient Greece

completed April 22, 2012

19 May 2012

103 visits

Lesson 3 - Medieval Book of Hours

completed May 18, 2102

23 Jun 2012

140 visits

Lesson 4 - Renaissance Reborn

completed June 22, 2012

19 Jul 2012

118 visits

Lesson 5 - Japan

completed July 18, 2012

25 Aug 2012

118 visits

Lesson 6 - The Colors of the Amish

completed August 24, 2012

22 Sep 2012

176 visits

Civil War Colors - Union Colors

completed September 21, 2012. A Janet Perry Colors Through the Ages - Lesson 7

22 Sep 2012

153 visits

CIvil War Colors - Conferderate Colors

completed September 21, 2012. A Janet Perry Colors Through the Ages - Lesson 7

22 Sep 2012

184 visits

Civil War Colors - Patriotic Colors

completed September 21, 2012. A Janet Perry Colors Through the Ages - Lesson 7
14 items in total