Autumn Leaves

My 2009 Stitchery

Many of these were long-standing works-in-progress, many of which are nearly qualifying as UFOs...

05 Sep 2012

94 visits

Autumn Leaves

05 Sep 2012

111 visits


01 Aug 2009

101 visits


from "Floral Alphabet", designed by Permin of Copenhagen and published in "Just Cross Stitch" , Volume 27, Issues 2 and 3. Christmas GIft to brother

05 Sep 2012

121 visits

Spirit of the Sockeye

based on a painting by Blaine Billman, chart by The Stitching Studio, completed April 25, 2009

07 Jun 2009

231 visits

Tsunami Sampler

design by Martina Dey of Stickideen von der Wiehenburg, published in "Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly" Fall 2007. One strand of silk over one strand of 28 ct linen. Completed June 6, 2009.

05 Sep 2012

140 visits

Bath 5¢

Bucilla kit, design by Scafa-Art, Van Dijk. Completed June 17, 2009.

05 Sep 2012

127 visits

The Needlework Shoppe

design by Jorja Hernandez for the Kooler Design Stdio, chart by Janlynn. Completed July 19, 2009

20 Jul 2009

132 visits

Wedding Blessings

design by Cathy Bussi, published in the August 2009 isue of "The Cross Stitcher" )Volume 26, No. 4). Completed July 21, 2009 For Thom and Carol

05 Sep 2012

145 visits

Walking to Town

Dimensions kit designed by Fred Swan, completed 9/5/09
16 items in total