
My Pre-2001 Stitchery

When we had a mini-flood in the basement due to a ruptured hot water heater in early October, 2005, it was necessary to move a few boxes which hadn't been unpacked from our move --- and these boxes were all stitchery pieces from pre-2001.

23 Oct 2005

128 visits


crewel, designer and date unknown

23 Oct 2005

118 visits


crewel, designer and date unknown -

23 Oct 2005

121 visits


crewel, designer and date unknown -

23 Oct 2005

126 visits


crewel, designer and date unknown -

23 Oct 2005

102 visits

Serenity Prayer

crewel, date unknown - Pauline Denham designer

23 Oct 2005

105 visits

Four Fruit and Veg

cross-stitch, designer and date unknown

23 Oct 2005

111 visits


cross-stitch, designer and date unknown

23 Oct 2005

98 visits


cross-stitch, designer C&L Crafts, date unknown

23 Oct 2005

121 visits

San Francisco Bay

cross-stitch, designer Canvas Creations, date unknown
40 items in total