Trotternish Daybreak

Sunrise and Sunset

Trotternish Daybreak

10 Sep 2019 33 36 169
Trotternish Ridge and the community of Digg - Isle of Skye

East Sands - St. Andrews

Harvesting at Sunset

29 Jul 2020 28 19 275
East Ayton - North Yorkshire - UK

Secret in the Dawn Mist

05 Aug 2019 37 28 211
Just about visible in the mist behind the row of trees are radio masts belonging to GCHQ Scarborough (Irton Moor) The history of the original station dates back to 1912 when the Royal Navy established a Wireless Telegraphy station in the Scarborough area. However, it relocated to the present site in 1943. it is believe it to be the longest continuously-serving site for Signals Intelligence (Sigint) in the world.

Sunrise - Last day of May (2 x PiPs)


Staffin Bay and Croft House at Sunrise

10 Sep 2019 48 58 514
The view is from the Isle of Skye over the Inner Sound towards the mainland of Scotland.

Autumn Evening Light

24 Oct 2019 29 35 237
After several hours of heavy rain the clouds cleared quickly, just in time to reveal the wonderful evening light.

Skye Sunrise (HFF Everyone)

13 Sep 2019 52 63 571
HFF 11 Oct 2019 Staffin Bay and the Inner Sound from Digg, Trotternish Peninsula - Isle of Skye

Staffin Bay at Dawn - Isle of skye (1 x note)

10 Sep 2019 28 27 457
The note indicates Rona lighthouse (or South Rona as it is now known as the island of North Rona off of the north of Scotland/Lewis also now has a light on it) was first lit in 1857. The station was designed by David and Thomas Stevenson. Before the lighthouse was built, a widow displayed a candle in the window of her house on Rona to guide ships away from the rocks. The lighthouse was automated in 1975.

Spotlight on the Inner Sound - Isle of Skye

08 Sep 2019 33 40 314
Viewed from Digg, on the Trotternish Peninsula. The Inner Sound separates the Isle of Skye from the mainland of Scotland.

Misty Sunrise over the Inner Sound - Isle of Skye

08 Sep 2019 37 32 437
Viewed from Digg, on the Trotternish Peninsula. The Inner Sound separates the Isle of Skye from the mainland of Scotland.

Twilight of the Harvest Dawn

The Cuillin aglow at sunset, Loch Caroy - Isle of…

08 Jul 2016 38 43 642
Taken from the small community of Caroy, about 24 km (15 miles) northwest of the Cuillin.

Slight Mist at Dawn (1 x PiP)

05 Aug 2019 41 30 518
At about 0530 from my garden

Beech tree + 1 dog at sunset

87 items in total