Castlegate, East Ayton (2 x Pip's)

East & West Ayton - North Yorkshire

A Brief History.

In 1086 West “Atun” was recorded in the Doomsday book as being owned by Gilbert son of Lagi. The ownership passed to Gilbert’s grandson who then took the name Aton. Gilbert de Aton was a benefactor to the Priory of Malton and his son Sir William Aton founded a chantry in the Chapel of St John the Baptist in 1383. Prior to the Roman conquest East Ayton was split into three manors …  (read more)

On the banks of the Derwent in Winter (Forge Valle…

27 Feb 2018 34 44 247
The River *Derwent in North Yorkshire flows for 72 ml/115 km from it’s source at Lilla Rig on Fylingdales Moor, approximately 6 ml/9.6 km from the North Sea. The picture was taken 15 ml/21 km downstream of Lilla Rig. The river go on until it meets with the River Ouse at Barmby Barrage at Barmby on the Marsh. Before the ice age the Derwent entered the sea at Scalby, near Scarborough. But a tongue of ice and then glacial deposits blocked its outflow and, together with the Rye, the two rivers formed a lake in the Vale of Pickering. After time an outlet formed at Kirkham gorge and the water flowed south to join the Ouse. The river flows through the five hundred and fifty four square mile of North Yorkshire Moors National Park, the low lying Forge Valley, Vale of Pickering and Vale of York and through the hills of Kirkham Gorge and the Yorkshire Wold. The river passes through several Yorkshire villages, including East and West Ayton, Stamford Bridge, which is the historical site of the 1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge (Saxons v Vikings), and market towns of Malton and Pickering. The name Derwent was recorded by Bede in the 8th century as Deruuentionis fluvii , from the Celtic “river where oak trees grow abundantly.” *Note: The Yorkshire river Derwent is one of four rivers in England with the name Derwent. The others are: Cumbria - 60 ml/96 km Derbyshire - 60 ml/96 km Northumbria - 35 ml/56 km All distances approximate

Early Morning Illumination

22 Oct 2020 27 26 154
The white specks in the sky are seabirds flying inland. They were harassed by crows rising from the trees to send them on their way!

Harvesting at Sunset

29 Jul 2020 28 21 250
East Ayton - North Yorkshire - UK

Secret in the Dawn Mist

05 Aug 2019 37 30 190
Just about visible in the mist behind the row of trees are radio masts belonging to GCHQ Scarborough (Irton Moor) The history of the original station dates back to 1912 when the Royal Navy established a Wireless Telegraphy station in the Scarborough area. However, it relocated to the present site in 1943. it is believe it to be the longest continuously-serving site for Signals Intelligence (Sigint) in the world.

Whatever Happened to Summer.....

Sunrise - Last day of May (2 x PiPs)

Sun Halo & Contrail

08 May 2020 27 32 228
A lucky shot, given that this was the first contrail I had seen for many days in what are normally fairly busy skies.

Not been able to do a thing with my hair since loc…

The Vale of Pickering

26 Apr 2020 22 21 222
Taken from the Green Lane bridleway on a hazy Spring morning, descending from Seamer Moor towards East Ayton, about 1 km away. The higher ground on the far side of the vale are the Yorkshire Wolds.

East Ayton Lodge 1 (1 x PiP)

15 Apr 2020 24 18 220
East Ayton Lodge and associated outbuildings is noted on the 1854 Ordnance Survey map and although it has been altered and extended, the historic form of the building is still evident. Originally a private residence, it was given by Lady Nunburnholm to the Regional Health Authority in 1947 in memory of her son David Wilson, Pilot Officer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Who was killed in action, 22nd March 1941. His name appears with those of his brothers-in-arms, on the war memorial located at St John the Baptist church, East Ayton. He is buried at Exeter Higher Cemetery, Devon. The lodge was opened as a convalescent annexe to Clifton Hospital (York). It had 20 beds and was used for women patients. After the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948, it became part of York B Group, an organisational unit within the NHS. Thereafter it was used not only by Clifton Hospital but also by other mental hospitals in Leeds Region. In 1974 it was transferred to Scarborough Health District, and it closed in 1978. The lodge was sold in 1980 and is presently a country house hotel. As with other hotels it currently closed due to Covid-19.

Castlegate Cottages 1

15 Apr 2020 30 32 219
East Ayton - North Yorkshire

Castlegate Cottages 2

15 Apr 2020 16 12 166
East Ayton - North Yorkshire

Closed until further notice

15 Apr 2020 28 30 214
Ye Olde Forge Valley Inn


Reflections (1 x PiP)

15 Apr 2020 37 33 299
The water course is the remains of a channel along which water diverted from the river Derwent, flowed to rejoin the river, having passed through the waterwheel of a nearby mill.

Horse (PiP only)

Castlegate, East Ayton (2 x Pip's)

07 Apr 2020 18 32 240
Castlegate runs in a northerly direction from Main Street East Ayton (A170), towards Forge Valley where it becomes Seavegate. The Road then follows the river Derwent for the length of the valley. The two views of Ayton Castle over the river Derwent were taken from Castlegate walking in the direction of the valley.

69 items in total