Straw Dot

Noctuidae (Rivulinae)

Folder: Moths by Family

25 Jun 2013

1 favorite

157 visits

Straw Dot

This is quite common moth, prefers damp meadows.

12 Aug 2012

111 visits

Straw Dot

23 Jun 2010

73 visits

Straw Dot Moth

28 Sep 2009

74 visits

Straw Dot

I just keep on and keep on seeing these guys through the summer. Very worn but still kickin'

19 Aug 2009

83 visits

Straw Dot

Pretty faded little guy.

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09 Jun 2009

1 comment

101 visits

Straw Dot

Although I've got an ID now, it will still always remain in my heart as the Concordia ;)