Six-spot Burnet

Zygaenidae (Procridinae & Zygaeninae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Foresters & Burnets

Six-spot Burnet Mating Pair

08 Jul 2013 128
These were the first of the year for us, only saw the one pair at the time.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Caterpillar Face

02 Jun 2013 2 224
Shows the detail a bit more of their face.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Caterpillar

02 Jun 2013 1 238
One of the most common Burnet Moths, and caterpillars I see but I loved his curly-ness.

Six-spot Burnet

15 Jul 2012 1 101
On White Clover

Forester Moth Posing


13 Jul 2012 128
So next time I saw one he actually did stay quite still and hours later was on the same bit of vetch. They are sooo lovely. High Light of my trip I'd say.

Forester Moth

12 Jul 2012 103
Everyone said, it will just sit there contemplating life, world peace, what ever Foresters do cause they hardly move. Soon as I got near it with the macro lens....poofff It was

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Caterpillar

28 May 2012 105
On Vetch

Six-spotted Burnet

Six-spot Burnet Caterpillar with Wasp Larva

Six-spot Burnet Caterpillar Parasitised and Cocoon…

27 Jun 2011 121
These should all be pupating now, so any left out, acting odd like this one just sitting have likely been parasitised by some type of Parasitic Wasp.

Six-spot Burnet

Six-spot Burnet

Six-spot Burnet

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Head On

47 items in total