Fungi Under Logs

Brede High Woods

Folder: Nature Spaces

Mottled Beauty Moth

Coleophora ibipennella Moth

25 Jun 2010 79
Can't be certain about the species here, its definitely a Coleophora sp. My best guess is C. ibipennella.

Lobster Moth

Lobster Moth

Peach Blossom Moth

Peach Blossom Moth

Rosy Marbled Moth

25 Jun 2010 72
Took the trap to Brede High Wood recently and these little moths seem quite numerous for a Nb status moth.

Rosy Marbled Moth

Apotomis turbidana Moth

Pale Tussock Moth Face

25 Jun 2010 89
This moth flew in and started fluttering around our feet, so I thought to keep him safe I'd gently catch him and place him in the trap, as I tried to get him off my leg, he gripped ahold of me so tight that he scrunched up my pant leg. I could feel his little claws through them on my We did eventually get him removed safely from my clothing.

Pale Tussock Moth

25 Jun 2010 99
A surprisingly firm grip!

Riband Wave Moth

Mottled Beauty Moth

Brown China-mark Moth

Cardinal Beetle

Adela reaumurella

19 May 2010 84
That is actually white on those antenna, not just reflection.

Inchworm, Inchworm

19 May 2010 105
Two and two are four Four and four are eight Eight and eight are sixteen Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two ... Thanks to keimagen for this lovely texture.

Glyphipterix fuscoviridella

379 items in total