White Fly


Folder: Wild Kingdom

Sphaerophoria scripta

26 Aug 2012 132
Nice little hovers, I'd not seen one that I could remember, but there was also one on the balcony today :)

Robberfly with Moth

20 Aug 2012 69
I was sorta kinda hoping to find a Rosy Marbled (bit late I know) lurking around, soon as we saw this Robberfly with a moth I just knew it would be the one. The best moths are found in the mouths of other bugs...haha.... It wasn't btw.

Death Grip

20 Aug 2012 127
You know those days you go out and are having sort of a fly day or a reptile day etc...well it had been flies up to now. On a lovely wood bench in Brede High Wood, there were a lot of flies sunning, so we were looking for anything interesting when this wasp swooped in, wandered around for a second and then BAM! Grabed this juicey fly. A small struggle ensued and the deed was done, seconds later the wasp was away with her catch. No shots of her to get a good ID but if anyone has any idea what wasp this is I'd love to know. Update: Thank you soo Much Andrew Grace1 for IDing this wasp for me as Mellinus arvensis!

Yellow Fly

20 Aug 2012 92
Lovely long legged fly, again one for winter IDing unless someone has a clue..

Bog Hoverfly

20 Aug 2012 205
Pretty sure anyway. Trying to ID, they begin to all look alike...hehe

Hornet/Wasp Mimic Hoverfly Female

19 Aug 2012 77
Showed up in the moth trap. Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2012

Patio Life: Lovely Bronze Hoverfly

14 Aug 2012 89
Nice little guy enjoying the Rose Campion

Tiny! Cute! Grass Fly

12 Aug 2012 117
Not great photos but so cute. This guy is about 2-3mm maybe 4. Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID :)

Spread Your Tiny Wings

12 Aug 2012 109
Grass Fly

Face Fly or Autumn-house Fly

12 Aug 2012 1 124
IDing some of these is going to have to be a Winter Sport if I'm ever going to get caught up with photos...lol

Myothropa florea

12 Aug 2012 116
learning to curtsy :) Or break dance!

Fly Guy

11 Aug 2012 104
on Knapweed, need a name for this lovely guy, looks like a white tailed bee mimic. Update: Thanks to Rockwolf for the correct ID of Eristalis intricarius .

Robberfly Face

Just Haggin On

Snail-killing Fly

01 Aug 2012 92
Gorgeous eyes on these guys.

Snail-killing Fly

01 Aug 2012 93
How can something so lovely have such a horrible name..hehe

Thick-headed Flies Mating

Female Horsefly side

150 items in total