Patio Life: Ragged Robin

My Patio Wildlife

Folder: Nature Spaces
Things I've put or found or seen from on my patio.

Patio Life: Hoverfly

27 Aug 2012 158
Xanthogramma pedissequum Came to visit us on the balcony. Had noticed a lovely shot of one of these from Afterforty and a few days later he showed up:)

Patio Life: Dung Dweller

25 Aug 2012 98
Hey everything has a purpose! Aphodius rufipes common and widespread and able to travel miles to moth We've had several of these little guys at the moth trap and around the balcony.

Patio Life: Poss Money Spider sp.

23 Aug 2012 115
I have about 3 or 4 bird houses on the balcony in various places tucked down in plants (we don't have a way to hang them for birds although that was my original intention), along with about 3 bug houses or logs, and one bumble bee house. Most of them are occupied with various spiders, wood louse, snails, slugs, and other creepy crawly things. The lid to this one opens on top and this little spider is in there.

Patio Life: Christmas Tree

23 Aug 2012 108
Our Xmas tree is looking good for December :)

Hornet/Wasp Mimic Hoverfly Female

19 Aug 2012 77
Showed up in the moth trap. Stars of the catch 18 Aug 2012

Patio Life: Crab Spider

19 Aug 2012 80
Thought this was a little Crab spider of sorts, not so sure now. Thanks Andy for getting me closer with ID.

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillars

19 Aug 2012 118
Little Bristley caterpillars. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 120
Can't wait to see them a bit bigger. They over winter as caterpillars, so will be releasing them somewhere more lichenie. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150.

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 104
Probably second or third instar about now. Taken by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Patio Life: Rosy Footman Moth Caterpillar

19 Aug 2012 95
They eat lichen or like wilted dandelion or lettuce. Took these by stacking the Raynox 250 with 150. They is tiny!!

Nut Weevil

Tortoise Shieldbug

18 Aug 2012 69
Final Instar.

Common Groundhopper Face

Common Groundhopper

Acorn Weevil

Patio Life: Large Yellow Underwing

18 Aug 2012 90
Feeding on the Buddlia, they normally feed at night but this guy came out of the moth trap

Patio Life: Morning Sun

18 Aug 2012 58
Some sort of small California Poppy type flowers catchin the sun.

Oak Bush Cricket

314 items in total