Six-belted Clearwing on Shingle

Seslidae (Clearwings)

Folder: Moths by Family
Clearwing Moths

08 Jul 2018

272 visits

Six-belted Clearwing Female

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

248 visits

Six-belted Clearwing Egg Laid (Black dot)

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

282 visits

Six-belted Clearing Laying Egg

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

295 visits

Six-belted Clearwing

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

243 visits

Six-belted Clearwing Face

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

195 visits

Six-belted Clearwing on Shingle

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.