A Buildings Fan's photos

Chapel, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Garden Lobby, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Detail of Doorcase, Chinese Drawing Room, Ground F…

Chinese Drawing Room, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolns…

Chinese Drawing Room, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolns…

Chinese Drawing Room, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolns…

Tapestry Bedroom, Grimsthorpe Castle

Tapestry Bedroom, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

King George IV's bed, Grimesthorpe Castle, Lincoln…

West Corridor, Grimsthorpe Castle,Lincolnshire

South Corridor, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Tapestry Room, Grimsthope Castle, Lincolnshire

State Drawing Room, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshi…

State Drawing Room, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshi…

Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

George IV's throne from The House of Lords, Grimst…

Staircase, Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Hall Chair, Entance Hall, Grimsthorpe Castle

27664 photos in total