Bruno Suignard's photos

Alignment - Abstimmung..

27 Jan 2011 167 45 12124
Voir Details,en grand en passant la souris , La Rochelle .le vieux port......

moon light..

25 Jan 2011 176 47 9585
Details en passant la souris , Tour des Quatre Sergents , La Rochelle ................................................. indochine

Aigrefeuille-d'Aunis,lac de Frace

08 Jan 2011 375 99 32954
Voir en grand en passant la souris , Misty and Frosty morning ,Lac de Frace ,Aigrefeuille d'Aunis, .......... ♫♪


08 Jan 2011 282 66 22820
Voir en grand en passant la souris , Frosty morning ,Lac de Frace (Aigrefeuille d'Aunis) .......... Feste Lariane

Snake of sun..

26 Dec 2010 164 42 13447
DETAILS en passant la souris Sunset ,coucher de soleil ...,.....La Rochelle.....

rain and sun..

28 Sep 2010 174 40 10877
En Grand en passant la souris Pluie et Soleil .......Rain and Sun , Lake of Gosau (Gosausee) ,Austria,


18 Sep 2010 153 45 7070
En grand, c'est mieux en passant la souris, SALZBURG ,Austria, The Altstadt, or "old town", is dominated by its baroque towers and churches Salzburg's "Old Town" (Altstadt) with its world famous baroque architecture is one of the best-preserved city centres north of the Alps, and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The city is noted for its Alpine setting. Salzburg was the birthplace of 18th-century composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In the mid-20th century, the city was the setting for parts of the musical and film The Sound of Music, which also features famous landmarks in Austria. With three universities, Salzburg is the capital city of the State of Salzburg (Land Salzburg), and is home to a large student population. Salzburg is on the banks of the Salzach River, at the northern boundary of the Alps. The mountains to Salzburg's south contrast with the rolling plains to the north. The closest alpine peak—the 1972 m Untersberg—is only a few km from the city centre. This area is surrounded by two smaller mountains, the Mönchsberg and Kapuzinerberg, which act as the green lungs of the city. Salzburg is approximately 150 km east of Munich, 281 km northwest of Ljubljana, and 300 km west of Vienna.

97 photos in total

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