Bruce Hyde's photos

DSC 4567 White Featherleg m (Platycnemis latipes)

DSC 4489 White Featherleg m (Platycnemis latipes)

Blue Featherleg ovipositing (Platycnemis pennipes)

Blue Featherleg m (Platycnemis pennipes) 01

Blue Featherleg f pronotum (Platycnemis pennipes)…

Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta)

12 Oct 2013 119
Migrant Hawker dragonfly (Aeshna mixta) in flight.

White Featherleg m (Platycnemis latipes)

12 Aug 2013 119
Charming small damselflies which are quite happy to be photographed - as a rule anyway.

White Featherleg m (Platycnemis latipes)

06 Aug 2013 2 3 203
Charming small damselflies which are quite happy to be photographed - as a rule anyway.

White Featherleg m (Platycnemis latipes)

14 Aug 2013 195
Charming small damselflies which are quite happy to be photographed - as a rule anyway.

Violet Dropwing m (Trithemis annulata)

27 Jun 2014 1 156
A beautiful coloured dragonfly - well the male is anyway - which perches on vegetation near water and is fairly approachable.

Southern Skimmer m (Orthetrum brunneum)

21 Jun 2014 144
An all-blue dragonfly, usually seen close to water where it hunts and mates.

Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)

Small Pincertail f (Onychogomphus forcipatus)

03 Aug 2013 138
There is discussion about definitive ID marks for this dragonfly, when compared to the Large Pincertail (O. uncatus). One of the identifying marks is the small yellow spot between the eyes.

Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguinem)

12 Jul 2014 120
The male is coloured rich red, with black legs. It is not too shy.

Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Large Skipper (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Bee 02a ( Anthophora possibly)

01 Jun 2014 1 3 192
An attractive bumble bee that appears to be blind.

Egyptian Grasshopper (Anacridium aegyptium)

26 Apr 2007 1 147
These are fairly common in S. France; they look a bit sci-fi with their stripy eyes.

1530 photos in total