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  Shooting date  /  2014   -   192 photos

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  • Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
  • Red Kite (Milvus milvus) mobbing a carrion crow (Corvus corone) 02
  • Red Kite (Milvus milvus) mobbing a carrion crow (Corvus corone) 03
  • Red Kite (Milvus milvus) mobbing a carrion crow (Corvus corone)
  • Red Kite (Milvus milvus) 02
  • Red Kite (Milvus milvus) 01
  • Blackbird - Turdus merula
  • Azure Bluet m (Coenagrion puella) 03
  • Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) 01
  • Large Red Damsel f (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) 01
  • Azure Bluet m (Coenagrion puella) 04
  • Large Redeye f (Erythromma najas) 02
  • Large Redeye f (Erythromma najas) 03
  • Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) 05
  • Four-spotted Chaser m (Libellula quadrimaculata) 04
  • Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) 06
  • Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) 06a
  • Large Red Damsel m (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) 04
  • Four-spotted Chaser m (Libellula quadrimaculata) 07
  • Broad-bodied Chaser f 02 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 03 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 05 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser f 06 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 07 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 08 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 09 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 10 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser f 11 (Libellula depressa)
  • Large Red Damsels ovipositing 2 (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser f 01 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser f 03 (Libellula depressa)
  • Broad-bodied Chaser m 12 (Libellula depressa)
  • Blue-eye f (Erythromma lindenii) 5
  • Blue-eye f (Erythromma lindenii) 6
  • Large Pincertail anal triangle m (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Large Pincertail m (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Four cells in anal triangle
  • Large Pincertail anal triangle m (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Large Pincertail m (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Blue-eye m (Erythromma lindenii) 7
  • Common Darter imm (Sympetrum striolatum) 6
  • Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris)
  • Bee 01 ( Anthophora poss)
  • Bee 02a ( Anthophora possibly)
  • Large Pincertail f thorax and vertex (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Large Pincertail f (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • No yellow in vertex
  • Yellow collar broken
  • Large Pincertail f thorax and vertex (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Large Pincertail f (Onychogomphus uncatus)
  • Orange Featherleg f 02 (Platycnemis acutipennis)
  • Orange Featherleg f (Platycnemis acutipennis) (Body parts)
  • Blue-eye m (Erythromma lindenii) 08
  • Azure Bluet m (Coenagrion puella) 10
  • Orange Featherleg f (Platycnemis acutipennis)
  • Orange Featherleg female eyes (Platycnemis acutipennis)
  • Azure Bluet f (Coenagrion puella) 01
  • Beautiful Demoiselle m (Calopteryx virgo) 01
  • Beautiful Demoiselle m (Calopteryx virgo) 02
  • Common Winter Damselfly m (Sympecma fusca) 01
  • Common Winter Damselfly m (Sympecma fusca) 01
  • Common Winter Damselfly m (Sympecma fusca) 02
  • Common Winter Damselfly m (Sympecma fusca)
  • Azure Bluet m + f (Coenagrion puella)
  • Azure Bluet m + f ovipositing (Coenagrion puella)
  • Common Bluet m (Enallagma cyathigerum)
  • Southern Skimmer m + f in cop (Orthetrum brummeum) 02
  • Southern Skimmer m in flight (Orthetrum brunneum)
  • Southern Skimmer f in flight (Orthetrum brunneum)
  • Broad Scarlet m (Crocothemis erythraea) 02
  • Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) 06
  • Oberthur's Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus armoricanus)
  • Oberthur's Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus armoricanus)
  • Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) 07
  • Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) 08
  • Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) 09
  • Western Demoiselle at breakfast f (Calopteryx xanthostoma)
  • Swallowtail  (Papilio machaon)
  • Southern Skimmer m (Orthetrum brunneum) 04
  • Small Red Damsel (Ceriagrion tenellum) 03
  • Orange Featherleg m + f in cop
  • Keeled Skimmer f (Orthetrum coerulescens)
  • Small Pincertail f (Onychogomphus forcipatus) 10
  • Small Pincertail f (Onychogomphus forcipatus) 11

192 items in total