Silver Plume

Silver Plume

25 Mar 2023

8 favorites


106 visits

Silver Plume

Eastman 2D 8x10, Kodak 14" commercial ektar f6.3, Ilford FP4

25 Mar 2023

5 favorites

1 comment

94 visits

Silver Plume Bakery

Now a restaurant/bar. I used to buy bread from here. They had a breadbox out front and if they were closed, you just picked up a loaf of bread and left your money in the box. Eastman 2D 8x10, Kodak 14" commercial ektar f6.3, Ilford FP4

26 Mar 2023

7 favorites

116 visits

Windsor Hotel

Eastman 2D 8x10, Kodak 14" commercial ektar f6.3, Ilford FP4