No escape

Grand Tetons and Yellowstone 2021

05 Oct 2021

3 favorites

71 visits

Near Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone

05 Oct 2021

6 favorites


85 visits

Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss f4 150mm, Kodak Portra 160VC 220 expired 2002. I was exposing +1/2 to +1

08 Oct 2021

3 favorites

94 visits

Medium Tank, M3

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss f4 150mm, Kodak Portra 160VC 220, expired 2002

08 Oct 2021

3 favorites

88 visits

Dubois, WY

17 Oct 2021

5 favorites

82 visits

Grand Tetons across Lake Jenny

31 Oct 2021

7 favorites


169 visits

Settler cabin, Jackson Valley

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss f2.8/80mm, Fuji Velvia 50

07 Nov 2021

2 favorites

57 visits

Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone

10 Nov 2021

5 favorites

1 comment

76 visits

Mammoth Hot Springs

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss f2.8/80mm, Fuji Velvia 50

10 Nov 2021

1 favorite

63 visits

Mammoth Hot Springs

Hasselblad EL/M, Carl Zeiss f2.8/80mm, Fuji Velvia 50
60 items in total