Old Havana in the rain


07 Oct 2017

144 visits

Old Havana in the rain

From the balcony of our Casa Particular

07 Oct 2017

156 visits

Colon Cemetery, Havana Cuba

A vast necropolis of white marble in the baking sun. If your family doesn't pay the bills, your bones are dug up and carted away in blue plastic bins. A cemetery worker showed me this - bins full of skulls, arm bones, leg bones, decaying away. He invited me to take a picture - I declined.

07 Oct 2017

3 favorites

227 visits

Los Van Van - El Tren De Cuba

In the park next to the Havana train terminal (which is currently closed, and undergoing renovation), I found this fine consolidation done up in a special color scheme to honor Los Van Van - one of Cuba's postrevolutionary hit musical groups. havana-live.com/noticias/inauguran-monumento-los-van-van-la-habana

07 Oct 2017

162 visits

No. 1138

Serial number 33067, built by Baldwin in the United States in 1908. Originally the "Obdulio Morales" on the Central Narcisca railway in the province of Sancti Spiritus. Gauge is approximately 3 feet.

08 Oct 2017

167 visits

Havana Centro

Everywhere you go, it is evident the housing stock on Cuba is in a sad state.

08 Oct 2017

2 favorites

156 visits

Old car in Habana Vieja

05 Nov 2017

155 visits

Habana Vieja

05 Nov 2017

1 favorite

168 visits

Car and Cat

Habana Vieja

07 Nov 2017

154 visits

Castillo de la Real Fuerza

Havana, Cuba
15 items in total