Inside the monument

Lisbon and Almada

13 Jan 2020

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79 visits

Inside the monument

13 Jan 2020

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78 visits

In side the monument

13 Jan 2020

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81 visits

Inside the monument

13 Jan 2020

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1 comment

91 visits

Inside the monument

13 Jan 2020

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299 visits

View from Cristo rey Almada

Looking across the river to Lisbon

13 Jan 2020

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1 comment

137 visits

Cristo rey Almada Lisbon.

I have wanted to visit this monument for years now thanks to a very good friend of ours who gave us a guided tour of the whole area of Almada.There is some amazing artworks inside the monument please see next set of pictures

14 Jan 2020

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100 visits


Beautiful wall art Sesimbra.

14 Jan 2020

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1 comment

114 visits

Sesimbra Portugal

Amusing tile panel

14 Jan 2020

5 favorites


113 visits


38 items in total