
Patagonia 2015

a trip on the famous "Carretera Austral" from Puerto Montt to illa o Higgins and through Argentina from Lago General Carrera to Ushuaia and back to Punta Arenas

approaching Porvenir


08 Feb 2015 36 7 1133
Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia - Chile.......PiP for color


08 Feb 2015 40 5 1058
Porvenir, Tierra del Fuego - Chile

rust at the beach

08 Feb 2015 77 21 1358
warm evening light at Porvenir beach, Tierra del Fuego - Patagonia

catch the turquoise

09 Feb 2015 81 19 1792
even if it's light blue.......

the orange pickup - HFF

09 Feb 2015 42 25 547
abandoned cars in Provenir, Tierra del Fuego HFF and a great weekend ahead, my friends!

flyanako freedom

09 Feb 2015 39 12 857
pasture fences are for sheep and cattle, not for guanacos!


05 Feb 2015 34 10 742
a very speedy group of Commerson's dolphins were escorting our ferry across the Strait of Magellan.....(see PiP)

Commerson's dolphins

abandoned San Gregorio

09 Feb 2015 14 5 655
The historiscal large abandoned Estancia San Gregorio north of the Strait of Magellan rests in peace since a half century. Founded in 1870 it was one of the first places where the 'Sociedad Explotadora Tierra del Fuego' settled. In this area Monsieur Marius Andrieu brought sheep from the Malvinas for acclimatation. With 91805 hectar, Jose Menendez in 1884 leased the fields and bought it in 1903. Since that the development of some industries and livestock farming began. Soon 140000 sheep were on the farm. Jose Menendez bought the ship Amadeo in 1892 (I will post some images of the wreck later), the first steamer in this region, which transported wool to Europe for decades. It is out of operation since 1932 and now lost as wreck. The Ambassador (see pics before) was a shipwreck salvaged by Menéndez, and its wood was used to build the first buildings in the area. Residents say that ghosts live in the huge buildings.......but we met nobody, they were out that day. Nevertheless it's a ghost town. There is still some equipment inside and huge numbers of bales of sheep's wool.

Fundada en 1876

09 Feb 2015 14 4 351
"Galpon Esquila" or "Shearer Shed" of the abandoned Estancia San Gregorio - Strait of Magellan, Patagonia

where the sheepshearers live

09 Feb 2015 16 3 310
abandoned Estancia San Gregorio - Strait of Magellan, Patagonia

ghost town San Gregorio

09 Feb 2015 14 2 565
for story see

Estancia San Gregorio - a place to sleep

where the sheepshearer sleeps

09 Feb 2015 58 17 494
abandoned Estancia San Gregorio - Strait of Magellan, Patagonia

765 items in total