Dangerous Watchdog


travelling in Western Crete 1993-2017

The Golden Bush

31 Aug 2008 1 394

Volvo L465 Starke

31 Aug 2008 13 6 2785
This is definitely my favorite of all found abandoned trucks in Crete, I love it........

Volvo L 465 Starke

Two horns and a light........

31 Aug 2008 4 3 936
Silent and blind....but still beautiful!

Thistle and rust - good friends

Still Sheltered.......

31 Aug 2008 608
Old red Volvo - West Crete

Behind bars.....

31 Aug 2008 496
load platform of the red Volvo 465......

Lonesome mountain road

31 Aug 2008 2 3 450
.....west of Palia Roumata - West Crete

The Wrong Road

31 Aug 2008 451
this one was new and wrong and ended in a bad gorge......

Ancient Blue Bug

Bug Snout

Photographers at work....

31 Aug 2008 3 564
Chris and Phil in front of the blue VW......

Only one tree left.....

Mountain road west of Sambronas

Agh. Ioannis Apopigadi

More clouds, more spouts...


31 Aug 2008 3 4 798
W devided by C = ??????

Agh. Ioannis Apopigadi

31 Aug 2008 1 2 371
Absolute lonesome high up in the mountains.....

806 items in total