Dangerous Watchdog


travelling in Western Crete 1993-2017

the abandoned oil mill of Agios Georgios

the abandoned oil mill of Agios Georgios

the abandoned oil mill of Agios Georgios

the abandoned oil mill of Agios Georgios

the abandoned oil mill of Agios Georgios

Cape Drapanos - difficult terrain

21 Sep 2019 29 9 436
Walking to the peak of the Cape means balancing on sharp rocks.

Cape Drapanos - tongue of rock

21 Sep 2019 16 4 257
The Lighthouse is quite small, seen from the end of the Cape.

Cape Drapanos - Lighthouse

21 Sep 2019 24 6 606
The lighthouse is located at the Cape Drapanos, 26 km east of Chania and 2km north of the Kokkino Chorio (Red Village). It was constructed in 1864 by the French Company of lighthouses. The German bombing in 1941, during the invasion of Crete, destroyed the lighthouse of Drapanos, but it was later rebuilt in 1948 and is still standing in good condition at an altitude of 50 meters, on the edge of a vertical cliff.

Cisterns of Aptera

21 Sep 2019 54 21 653
A large three-vaulted Roman cistern in the ancient city of Aptera. The PiP is from another year with no water inside.

Cisterns of Aptera

Amphitheater of Aptera

21 Sep 2019 22 8 338
Aptera was an ancient city on Crete from about 14th to 13th century before the Common Era. In Greek mythology, Aptera was the site of the legendary contest between the Sirens and the Muses, when after the victory of the Muses, the Sirens lost the feathers of their wings from their shoulders, and having thus become white, cast themselves into the sea. The name of the city literally means "without wings", and the neighbouring islands Leucae means "white". More inormations: www.west-crete.com/aptera.htm

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in the gorge

22 Sep 2019 21 4 479
Aradena-gorge - Crete

Aradena gorge

22 Sep 2019 21 4 219
The Aradena gorge is one of the less known, but spectacular gorges in southwestern Crete. At the abandoned village and bridge of Aradena it is 140 m deep.

Abandoned Aradena

22 Sep 2019 23 4 293
Ruins in Aradena village, which has been abandoned since 1947 when a clash between two local families resulted in the deaths of most family members on both sides.

under the bridge

22 Sep 2019 45 16 553
in the gorge of Aradena, looking up the bridge to the abandoned village Aradena.....

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806 items in total