faces on the roof

Chile-Argentina 2010

Bandurria Baya

31 Dec 2009 26 4 1930
even nicer when flying and screaming.......also called Buff-necked Ibis [Theristicus caudatus]

just before the kiss

IMG 5825 x2i

the drama is near - PiP


06 Jan 2010 7 1360
these birds kiss is not for three.......

Volcán Llaima - 3125 m

Volcán Llaima - 3125 m

fog ahead......

31 Dec 2009 22 5 1349
Ruta Interlagos north of Villarrica......

IMG 5031 xswi

my hotel-"room" in Villarrica

near Lago Calafquen

01 Jan 2010 12 3 790
better on black, PiP in B/W.....

Lago Pullinque

01 Jan 2010 14 2 1379
PiP in B/W......better on black!

in fairyland

IMG 5042 0 1 xswi

El Caracol

01 Jan 2010 20 1 1214
the lost and abandoned Puerto Llifén at the eastern shore of Lago Ranco.......

Puerto Llifen

01 Jan 2010 5 2 1142
Lago Ranco


01 Jan 2010 3 7 957
step by step up the hill - south of Lago Ranco.......

709 items in total