faces on the roof

Chile-Argentina 2010

plastic memory

remind those who owned the land

16 Jan 2010 19 3 1045
we europeans robbed their land and systematically murdered millions of native indians in north- and south america. when I see all those statues of so called heros, conquistators, colonizers, discoverers, "first settlers", seen in every city, in every village, read in many street names, I get sick and sicker, because no one seems to realize, how many of them are simply murderers and criminals....... and this is, what has not changed, these politics of an inhuman arrogant profit oriented system of a small minority ruling the world...... who cares about the people of Iraq, oil is what counts, who cares about the people of Afghanistan, oil and mineral resources are what count, who cares about the people of Vietnam, of Cuba, power and control count, who cared about the people of Chile, when the CIA-felons and Pinochet murdered Allende and 10000s of innocent Chileans, power and influence count, who cared about the people of Panama, when they murdered general Omar Torrijos, who cared about the people of Ecuador, when they murdered president Jaime Roldós Aguilera..........

the dead do not care about their home

IMG 8295 xswi

climbing ships

relax with rimula-x

lonesome at the river

hey cloud take me for a ride........

13 Jan 2010 26 6 2329
click me for a ride.......

a trip to the slaughter house

15 Jan 2010 8 4 953
Bories Refrigerator and Slaughter House

a place with history

15 Jan 2010 14 7 1109
taken 10 years after the pic before

Puerto Natales

15 Jan 2010 19 1 1268
please on black

leading to

lack of water

709 items in total