Trans World Airlines - 1986

USA - 1986

I visited a symposium in Baton Rouge in 1986 and following I made a roundtrip (alone) over New Orleans, San Francisco, through several National Parks in the West to Phoenix by a rented car, then Chicago, Toronto and New York. All images are scannes slides, taken with a Minolta X700, using mostly Fujichrome100 films. Flying was quite cheap in the US. I had a TWA pass and paid 70 bucks for each dome…  (read more)

sunset from Empire State Building - 1986

02 Jun 1986 58 39 385
So...finally. This is the last image of the stream about the 1986' journey through the USA. All images were scanned slides (Nikon Super Coolscan 5000), taken with a Minolta X700. I really thank you very much, all who travelled with me ;-) The album grew pretty big.

New York - yellow cabs - 1986

25 Apr 2018 44 14 312
5th Avenue and St. Patrick's Cathedral (1878, neo-gothic), New York City scanned slide, Minolta X700

344 items in total