crossing the Strait of Magellan


Mémorial Albert I

22 Sep 2018 44 13 737
The King Albert Memorial and lighthouse at the connection of the Meuse river and the Albert Canal in Liege, Belgium. Built in 1939, 42 m tall.

Mémorial Albert I

22 Sep 2018 17 1 384
The King Albert Memorial and lighthouse at the connection of the Meuse river and the Albert Canal in Liege, Belgium. Built in 1939, 42 m tall.

The lighthouse of Chania

21 Sep 2019 53 21 740
The original Venetian lighthouse was built around the late 16th century to protect the harbour. A chain could be connected from the base of the lighthouse to the fortress of Firkas in oder to close the harbour. During the Turkish occupation the lighthouse fell into disrepair and was eventually rebuilt between 1824 and 1832 in the form of a minaret. The modern lighthouse is often referred to as ' Egyptian' because it was built during a time where Crete was occupied by Egyptian troops who were supporting the weakening Ottoman Empire against the rebelious Cretans. The base of the lighthouse is still the original Venetian base although the Lion of St. Marc which was carved there has long gone. The 'Egyptian' lighthouse was leaning badly due to bombings during WWII and earthquakes but it was extensively renovated in 2005 and now looks as good as new. The lighthouse is located at the end of a long mole that protects the Venetian harbour from the sea. It is well worth walking all the way to the end of it as you get splendid views from the harbour. Unfortunately the lighthouse itself is closed so you can't go up the tower.

Cape Drapanos - Lighthouse

21 Sep 2019 24 6 606
The lighthouse is located at the Cape Drapanos, 26 km east of Chania and 2km north of the Kokkino Chorio (Red Village). It was constructed in 1864 by the French Company of lighthouses. The German bombing in 1941, during the invasion of Crete, destroyed the lighthouse of Drapanos, but it was later rebuilt in 1948 and is still standing in good condition at an altitude of 50 meters, on the edge of a vertical cliff.

California Lighthouse

14 Dec 2019 40 14 424
The California Lighthouse is located near Arashi Beach on the northwest tip of Aruba. It was named after the steamship California, which was wrecked nearby on September 23, 1891. It was built 1914-1916 and the stone tower with lantern and double gallery on a octagonal stone base is 30 m tall. Focal plane is 55 m.

California Lighthouse

California Lighthouse

Willemstoren Lighthouse

16 Dec 2019 15 2 271
The Willemstoren Lighthouse or "Lacre Punt Light" is located at the southern tip of Bonaire. The station was established in 1837, the date of the current building is unknown. Focal plane is 23 m, the lantern is removed. The keeper's house is in ruins.

Willemstoren Lighthouse

16 Dec 2019 46 10 462
Bonaire's first lighthouse on it's south tip was built in 1837, it's 21 m tall. The former keeper's house is in ruins.

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Fort Oranje Lighthouse

16 Dec 2019 39 17 397
The stone tower was built in 1932. It replaced the wooden lighthouse built in 1868. It is an active lighthouse within the Fort Oranje, which is the oldest structure on Bonaire. It was built by the Dutch in 1639.

Ragged Point Lighthouse

19 Dec 2019 22 8 248
Built in 1875, 30 m high, almost at the most eastern point of Barbados.

Ragged Point Lighthouse

Ragged Point Lighthouse

South Point Lighthouse

19 Dec 2019 21 4 238
It is the oldest lighthouse in Barbados and was brought to Barbados in 1852, one year after being shown at London's Great Exhibition, and reassembled on the southernmost point of the island. The 27 m tall cast iron tower has been depicted on the reverse of the 25 cent coin of the Barbadian coinage since 1973.

Needhams Point Lighthouse

19 Dec 2019 22 8 275
The octagonal lighthouse was constructed in 1855 at the southern end of Carlisle Bay. It is presented here only for completeness of my lighthouse album, but I really don't like the location. The little old lighthouse is battered to death by the huge Hilton Hotel behind, as you can see in the PiP.

Fort Charlotte Signal Station

20 Dec 2019 20 5 233
Poised above the Kingstown, Lowmans and Campden Park Bays, on the historic site of Fort Charlotte, is the Signal Station, maintained by the Port Authority. Fort Charlotte, built in 1803, served the British Military to defend the bays from approaching ships of the French Military, and with wheeled cannons defended from the indigenous Carib inhabitants attacking from inland. The choice location of the fort, overlooking the major ports of mainland St.Vincent and with clear views of the seaways to the northern Grenadines serves today as a manned lighthouse for passing fishing, cargo and passenger vessels.

68 items in total