Dolomiti - 3


Cerro Zeballos

a hot and dry place......

29 Aug 2010 17 8 1205
Lefka Ori, Pachnes, 2453 m

too steep for the sheep....

29 Aug 2010 4 858
actually it's a goat, I know ;-)


07 Nov 2010 13 3 1329
Niedere Tauern, Styria

DSC 1609 xswi

light is in the air

19 Jul 1987 19 4 1044
swiss alps.......


26 Nov 2010 33 7 1346
Grand Jorasses

thereisnowaytoshangrila - Grand Canyon 1986

23 May 1986 47 16 1211
scanned slide Minolta X700


16 Aug 1981 23 7 1250
Mont Blanc massif - B/W version

Half Dome - Yosemite 1986

peaks and summits

Niedere Tauern - 2

01 Jan 2011 9 2 895
the highest peaks of my beloved "Niedere Tauern", Kasereck (2740 m, left) and Hochgolling (2863 m, right)

Niedere Tauern - 1


312 items in total