Boarischa Krautmo's photos

Bazylika świętej Elżbiety Węgierskiej we Wrocławiu

26 Nov 2023 33 51 125
und jetzt alle laut ;-) HWW!

Časné ráno ve vinařství v Pavlově

23 Nov 2023 33 49 123
weiter gehts mit den Lese-Übungen ;-)

Archikatedra świętego Jana Chrzciciela

25 Nov 2023 31 40 127
bitte laut lesen ;-)

Berufe, die die Welt nicht braucht....

21 Nov 2023 29 56 172
heute: der Taschenrechner. ich bin dann mal weg - und komm vielleicht mit Bildern wieder.....

Waldweites Wurzelwerk

18 Nov 2023 29 37 105
Titel für Karl ;-)

Bench Robbers

19 Nov 2023 40 73 190
auf vielfachen Wunsch ;-))) HBM

Salix on the rocks


18 Nov 2023 22 28 106
In his PiP Roger shows a road sign telling the way to Crowcombe. I was curious what kind of place Crowcombe might be. So I went there and made a picture ;-)

Berufe, die die Welt nicht braucht....

15 Nov 2023 26 67 172
heute: Der Fahrbahnteiler.

Haircut & Bartshave im Goldenen Schnitt

Berufe, die die Welt nicht braucht....

12 Nov 2023 37 60 147
Heute: Der Raumfahrer. HBM.

Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

10 Nov 2023 27 39 130
Accompanied by three not so distinguished gentlemen....

Gist of a Fence

07 Nov 2023 30 84 170
Well, after some discussions here I tried something new: Back to the "Ding an sich" (look up Kant). This exquisite picture is somewhat dualistic: On the one hand I tried to reduce any artificial (i.e. information processing) impact on that picture. So I switched off: - auto focus - auto exposure - shake reduction and I didn't even use the viewfinder On the other hand I tried to remove anything unnecessary from the fence. No background, no foreground, no texture, no structure (what's the difference? Anyway, it sounds good), no light, no shadow, no depth, no colour, not anything except for a fence.... What we've got here is the simple and naked truth. The soul of a fence. Reduced to the maximum. The pure manifestation of existence. Reality beyond the picture. And so technique and statement work together to create something very special. And now it's up the the beholder: What's a fence for you? Yes, you who is turning the head over the left shoulder... there's noone behind you...c'mon, what's a fence? Something connecting or something separating? Thrown back to your sheer existence: Together or on your own? Now it's the time to take a stand! Where are we and where are we going to? HFF to all of you outside my screen.... btw: It's not about fences. It's about communication. Everything's about communication. Is there any meaning in wishing a happy fence? Nope. But there is a meaning in social interaction. There is a formalized way to wish others a great weekend. That's the point: Interaction, Seeing the counterpart (even virtually). Global village is still a village: Good evening, Mrs. X, wish you a happy weekend!, Oh, thank you, Mr Y, that's so kind of you, wish you a good weekend, too. Pictures? Forget about it.

Und bist du nicht happy, dann gibt's an Krawall...…

15 Jul 2023 22 46 126
HWW stürzende Linien, knallige Farben, fehlende Komposition wird ja zu erdulden sein ;-)))) immerhin zeigt das Foto die Realität.

2564 photos in total