Aschi "Freestone"'s photos

Canada Tour

16 Jun 2014 30 9 183
On the way north, It seems as if rice is planted here, but this is not the case, the surrounding area of the Bow River is only flooded.

Canada Tour Peyto Lake

15 Jun 2014 49 13 221
Peyto Lake seen from Bow Summit The lake itself is located near the Icefields Parkway. In summer, large amounts of glacial flour and glacial milk flow into the lake from nearby glaciers; these suspended rock particles give the lake its bright turquoise color. It was named after Bill Peyto, a former park ranger, trapper and mountain guide. The "wild" Bill Peyto was a pioneer, mountain guide and early park ranger of Banff National Park. Peyto lived in England before emigrating to Canada in February 1887 and settling in the Canadian Rockies, where he worked as a railroad laborer. In the mid-1890s, Peyto built a log cabin near the Bow River where he stored equipment for hunting and trapping. Peyto worked as a park ranger in Banff National Park from 1913 until his retirement in 1936. Peyto was best known for his services as a mountain guide and was selected to lead many prominent British, Swiss, and American climbers on numerous expeditions in the Canadian Rockies. Bill Peyto was one of the leading figures in the Brotherhood of Mountain Guides and Packers that flourished at the turn of the century, and his knowledge of the mountains that surround us was surpassed by few. Bill was described as utterly fearless and was always willing to take any risk to protect those entrusted to his care. The Peyto Glacier on the Continental Divide and Lake Peyto are named in his honor.

Canada Tour / Bow Lake

15 Jun 2014 28 7 186
Bow Lake north of Lake Louise, on the Icefield Parkway near Crowfoot Glacier, at an elevation of 1,920 m it is one of the largest lakes in Banff National Park. The lake is fed by meltwater from the Bow Glacier. When we visited the lake, a real blizzard fell over the lake, which is still partly frozen and covered with ice.

Canada Tour / Art from nature 1xPiP

15 Jun 2014 47 18 192
Art from nature - driftwood a piece of nature...... Alluvial wood / driftwood is the name given to wood that floats on the water , was driven to the shore by wind, storm , current or swell. Could driftwood talk , every single piece would have an interesting story to tell about its long journey . The driftwood is shaped by the water, bleached by the sun and usually washed by the water for years.

Canada Tour / Lake Louise 2xPiP

15 Jun 2014 49 19 216
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise on the eastern shore of Lake Louise gives you these excellent, colorful views over this magnificent lake.

Canada Tour /Lake Agnes 1xPiP

15 Jun 2014 26 7 127
Lake Agnes is well worth a visit. PiP: on the hiking trail to lake Agnes When we were here, the lake is still frozen and covered with a right layer of ice. It is recommended to read the respective trail reports so that you are aware of trail conditions , wildlife warnings and possible closures before you head out. There are relatively few hazards on the hiking trails. The trail is well maintained and easy to walk. However, it is still important to be aware of safety and protection from bears in Banff National Park. This includes carrying bear spray, hiking in a group, and making plenty of noise on the way up. Banff National Park is also home to cougars. The likelihood of a dangerous encounter with wildlife is very low, but you never know what will happen with wildlife, so it's good to be a little prepared.

Canada Tour / Mirror Lake 1xPiP

15 Jun 2014 37 8 187
Mirror Lake is a pleasant, comfortable trail, beautiful wooded trails, views of turquoise water, and scenic Mirror Lake make for an interesting trail. The Jay (Steller's Jay). We encountered him here at the lake. An intelligent, sociable and handsome black and blue jay. Jays are found in many areas of western North and Central America, from Alaska to Nicaragua. The Steller's jay is an occasional bird that will eat anything humans leave behind, insects, berries, nuts, birds' eggs, and even small animals. They hide their food to find it later when wi

Canada Tour / Clark's Nutcracker Lake Louise

15 Jun 2014 19 1 172
I encountered this Clark's Nutcracker on the road. Clark's Nutcracker a medium-sized bird with a long, sharp bill. They live in the open conifer forests of southwestern Canada at elevations between 900 and 3500 meters. They are often seen in pine forests with a water source nearby. In the fall, nutcrackers move to lower elevations in forests where seeds are especially abundant. Clark's nutcrackers have an excellent spatial memory that allows them to collect up to 30,000 seeds in the fall and retrieve a large portion of them in the winter. Thanks to these large seed stores, the Clark's nutcracker can live at high elevations year-round. It is very bold around humans and often comes into populated hiking and camping areas to scavenge or beg for food. Nutcrackers are almost always in groups, except when gathering seeds.

Canada Tour / Lake Louise 1xPiP

15 Jun 2014 24 6 154
A hike from the hotel along the lake and then up into the heights, through a fascinating landscape.


15 Sep 2019 29 21 155
HFF Well secured and protected by the wire mesh fence it goes over the valley, probably only for pedestrians free from giddiness ;)

Canada Tour / Lake Louise

15 Jun 2014 16 7 97
On the eastern shore of the lake is the Château Lake Louise, a five-star hotel. It was built in 1890 as a modest chalet and later expanded into a two-storey hotel that became a centre for climbing expeditions. A conflagration in 1924 destroyed the Schlosshotel, which was replaced by the structure that still stands today. Many hiking trails start directly at the castle hotel.

Canada Tour / Lake Louise

15 Jun 2014 32 12 153
The lake and the surrounding area are a place for recreational activities such as hiking, climbing, skiing and canoeing.

Canada Tour / Lake Louise

15 Jun 2014 29 7 156
Lake Louise is a lake in Banff National Park. The glacial milk, which is interspersed with fine rock particles that enter the lake with the meltwater, causes the turquoise blue colour of the lake.

Canada Tour / Lake Louise 1xPiP

15 Jun 2014 40 11 156
On the way through the Bow Valley to Lake Louise, in the almost endless vast forests of Alberta.


12 Apr 2016 32 17 175
HBM The boatmaster still has seats to fill come and sit down . I wish you all a pleasant week

Canada Tour / Johnston Canyon 2xPiP

15 Jun 2014 18 7 146
Johnston Canyon Trail A natural attraction to see. The hike through Johnston Canyon is spectacular and very popular. The canyon is very scenic, with several waterfalls that are easily accessible via a relatively short distance.

Canada Tour / Banff

13 Jun 2014 22 6 169
So that the railway builders and settlers are not forgotten, you can see this sculpture in the middle of Banff to commemorate the men and women of that time.

Canada Tour / Banff

15 Jun 2014 20 5 110
The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel The famous Banff Springs Hotel in the heart of Banff National Park, is a landmark in the Alpine town of Banff. It has been called Canada's "Castle in the Rockies" for more than 130 years. The hotel is a former railway hotel of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) . The hotel burned down in 1926 and was replaced by a new building in 1928. In the late 1960s, the hotel was winterised and could then be opened all year round. Under the name Banff Springs Hotel, the hotel was added to the register of the National Historic Site of Canada in 1988.

2154 photos in total