Aschi "Freestone"'s photos

New Zealand

04 Feb 2012 10 1 235
On a walk through the city a year after the big earthquake this sculpture has remained harmless

New Zealand

04 Feb 2012 4 236
On a walk through the city a year after the big earthquake a house near the Kate Sheppard memorial needs support

New Zealand

04 Feb 2012 9 2 205
On a walk through the city a year after the big earthquake The Bridge of Remembrance is a war memorial in Christchurch

New Zealand

04 Feb 2012 6 202
The center provides much information about the Antarctic and the research stations there

New Zealand

04 Feb 2012 8 1 205
seen while waiting for my connecting flight to Queenstown. Christchurch is one of the gates to Antarctica and with this machine it's another six-hour flight to an Antarctic station

New Zealand

03 Feb 2012 14 8 298
on the flight to Christchurch, over the Tasman Sea

Vietnam Bac Ha Sunday market

04 Apr 2016 13 3 203
to get new clothes you would be right here

# Neue ipernity Startseite - Vorschläge der Fotogr…

18 Sep 2012 43 18 387
Milford Sound

# Neue ipernity Startseite - Vorschläge der Fotogr…

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

18 Sep 2012 30 19 427
Hoher Kasten / Sämtisersee

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 10 4 332
outlook to the Sämtisersee

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 8 4 279
there it goes down to the lake, steep but it can be done

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 6 1 222
the ridge path just before the Staubern

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 10 2 273
View to Hundstein, Säntis, Drei Faltikeit, Schafberg

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 5 224
Natural avalanche defense

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 13 6 233
Sämtisersee, Ruchbüel, Zwinglipass, Altmann

Hike Hoher Kasten, Staubern, Weissbad

12 Oct 2007 9 4 261
on the way to Staubern , the mountain on the left

2154 photos in total