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Bike Netherlands/ Texel

17 Jul 2019 71 24 406
Shaggy Islanders Shaggy islanders can be met here, here wild horses in other places can be Scottish highland cattle. They enjoy all the delicacies that grow and thrive in the dunes of Texel, keeping the vegetation under control.

Bike Netherlands/ Texel

17 Jul 2019 63 29 357
Don't judge your size by your shadow. Proverb Shadow photographer in secret mission at the beach ;-)

Bike Netherlands/ Naarden 2x PiP

19 Jul 2019 56 27 400
The side aisles have stone vaults, the nave is covered by an oak barrel vault painted with biblical scenes between 1510 and 1518. On the north side 10 pictures tell the most important facts of salvation: Gethsemane, Jesus' suffering, death, burial, resurrection and ascension and finally the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each picture is linked to a corresponding Old Testament story on the south side.

Bike Netherlands/ Montfoort

20 Jul 2019 59 25 451
The Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist It is a three-aisled hall church, the central nave are almost as high as the two side aisles. The church is large and massive and strongly dominates the surrounding buildings

Stroll through Strasbourg 1xPiP

27 Jul 2019 53 26 344
Janus Fountain Aequaduct Designed in 1988 by Tomi Ungerer for the 2000th anniversary of Strasbourg in 1998, the fountain symbolizes the city's culture, influenced by France and Germany alike. The sculpture with the double-sided Janus head stands for the "birth of civilization" and was built from 5,000 bricks. The 1.50 m high bronze Januskopf, symbol of Alsatian history between France and Germany, was created by sculptor Denis Roth. JanusHead symbolizes duality in laws like creation/destruction, life/death, light/darkness, beginning/end, future/past, left/right etc. The realization that everything divine always has an opponent in it. Both sides of duality always elude objective evaluation and are therefore neither good nor bad. If the water stands up to their neck (mouth), this could mean the downfall!

A jewel in Strasbourg 2x PiP

27 Jul 2019 63 22 353
The Kammerzellhüs The Kammerzellhüs is a converted middle-class half-timbered house, also the most famous profane building in Strasbourg. Originally built in 1427, but also rebuilt several times, for the first time in 1467. The stone ground floor dates from this year. In 1571 a cheese merchant bought the building and in 1589 added three cantilevered floors which are decorated with magnificent carved facades, also three roof floors were added. The facades show profane as well as sacral elements, also biblical approaches and influences from Greek-Roman antiquity and the Middle Ages can be found. In 1892 the building was extensively restored. The house is regarded as one of the most beautiful half-timbered houses of the German late Gothic period, comparable with the Salzhaus in Frankfurt am Main or the Knochenhaueramtshaus in Hildesheim, but in contrast to these it is preserved in its original substance. The Kammerzellhüs is also regarded as the birthplace of the fictitious detective figure Honoré Langustier.

The Strasbourg Cathedral Lead Glass Window

28 Jul 2019 85 37 451
With lead glass windows, the individual glass pieces are framed by U- and H-shaped lead rails and soldered together along the edges. In order to produce larger glass surfaces, muntin and lead glass windows were the only possibility. The lead glass windows of the cathedral date from the 12th to 14th century,

The Strasbourg Cathedral 2xPiP

28 Jul 2019 49 21 345
a visit to the interior of the cathedral is very worthwhile.

The Strasbourg Cathedral

28 Jul 2019 39 22 406
West facade a sight that is fascinating The Strasbourg cathedral is a cruciform basilica, all parts of the room are vaulted with cross ribs. The enormous mass of the cathedral: Length : 112 meters, width west facade: 51.5 meters Height longhouse: 40 meters ,32 meters inside Height of side aisles: 19 metres, height of transepts: 32 metres Height of west tower: 142 metres, height of viewing platform: 66 metres Lobby height: 42 metres Diameter of large rose window: 13.6 meters 6044 m² built-up area, 4900m² copper roofs, copper roofs 600 m² tiled roofs, 47m² slate roofs

Stroll through Strasbourg 1x PiP

29 Jul 2019 39 8 357
The Covered Bridges are three bridges and four towers, once built for defensive purposes, on the Ill River in the 13th century. In 1230 the construction of the covered bridges was started, in 1250 they were opened. In the form in which they were built, each bridge was covered with a wooden roof to protect the defenders. In 1784 the roofs were removed, but the name covered bridges has remained since then. As defensive structures they were replaced in 1690 by the Vauban barrage.

Stroll through Strasbourg

29 Jul 2019 43 17 408
also the roof water drains are decorated with artistic sculptures

Stroll through Strasbourg

29 Jul 2019 58 13 339
On the road in La Petite France La Petite France is a historic district of the city of Strasbourg, at the western end of the Grande Île, where the historic centre of the city is located. At Petite France, the Ill River divides into several canals that run through the area, now one of the main tourist attractions of Strasbourg. Little France is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the Grande Île.

Stroll through Strasbourg 1x PiP

29 Jul 2019 61 28 333
Here a cheeky inhabitant from Strasbourg The nutria, also called beaver rat, a rodent species originating from South America and naturalized in Central Europe. Nutrias are sometimes confused with the muskrat, which originates from North America, but is smaller. Nutrias have a body length of up to 65 cm and weigh between eight and ten kilograms, so they are smaller than a beaver. As with many animal species, male Nutrias are generally slightly larger than the females. On their hind feet they have webbed feet, very conspicuous in adult animals is the orange coloration of the rodent teeth, which is caused by iron deposition. The original home of the Nutria living at rivers, lakes, ponds and in swamps is the subtropical and moderate South America. Today, Nutrias are considered naturalized in large parts of North America and Eurasia. With these not really popular city dwellers our Strasbourg walk comes to an end, nice that you are with me.

HBM Happy bench monday

13 Sep 2019 37 11 343
Happy bench monday Wooden floor class in the train to Heiden


15 Sep 2019 59 48 383
HFF from this swinging suspension bridge ;-)))) wish you all a beautiful and contemplative 1st Advent

Stroll through Turin / Torino Piemont Tour 2019…

19 Sep 2019 46 11 339
The bronze sculptures Castor and Pollux, decorate the gate. Castor and Pollux, mythical twins from ancient times. Castor and Pollux shared a deep brotherly love, which was shaken by the murder of Castor. The grieving brother was given the choice by Zeus to live a divine life for all eternity or alternately spend a day with his brother in hell and a day on Olympus. Pollux chose the proximity of his twin brother, Castor and Pollux are known since then as inseparable brothers.

Stroll through Turin / Torino Piemont Tour 2019…

20 Sep 2019 92 43 422
The squirrel has contributed to the entertainment of many visitors to the park. Squirrels are a genus of tree squirrels in the squirrel family. Their most striking feature is their bushy tail. The most famous species in Europe is the Eurasian Squirrel, which is simply called the Squirrel. Squirrels are forest dwellers and basically feed on seeds and fruits. . All squirrel species are predominantly diurnal. As tree dwellers they are very good climbers and most species spend most of their time in the trees and only occasionally come down to the ground to forage for food. Enemies of squirrels are birds of prey, predators such as martens and cats. Some squirrel species live up to twelve years.

Stroll through Turin / Torino Piemont Tour 2019…

20 Sep 2019 50 22 369
Tour of Turin Cathedral with its many religious and artistic treasures More religiously important than the main building is the chapel, built in the 17th century for the most precious treasure of the House of Savoy, the Turin Shroud, which has been kept in the Cathedral since 1587, the Sacra Sindone.

269 items in total