Canada Tour

Canada Tour

Canada Tour Fawn Lake 1 xPiP

20 Jun 2014 12 2 72
Fawn Lake Fawn Lake is a small, quiet lake that is great for fishing. It is navigable only by electric motors, making it the perfect base for kayaks, SUPs and canoes. It is about 2 km long and 300 m wide. Surrounded by dense forest on the south side and wooded private land on the north side.

Canada Tour Fawn Lake Resort 2 xPiP

20 Jun 2014 20 5 92
Visiting friends at Fawn Lake Resort Many love the tranquility, ...for some it is simply paradise, it's like coming home... ...for others the best place to fly fish.... or to relax ... ...and watch the world go by....

Canada Tour Fawn Lake Resort 2 xPiP

21 Jun 2014 32 12 148
A quiet environment in the wilderness. Excellent for fishing, bird watching and many other animals.

Canada Tour

22 Jun 2014 11 2 81
On the Cariboo or Gold Rush Trail A scenic highway takes us through Fraser Canyon into the vastness of the Cariboo Plateau. This route is the most important north-south connection in the region.

Canada Tour Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village…

22 Jun 2014 26 8 137
Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village on the Fraser river Xatśūll First Nation a member of the Great Secwépemc Nation, they were once known as the Xatśūll people (who made their home on the cliff where the sparkling water comes out). The Xatśūll people administered a territory that stretched from the coast at Inlet near Kitimat to the Rocky Mountains. Their use of the land brought them into contact with neighboring peoples. The Xatśūll also lived as hunter-gatherers in clans, like many aboriginal peoples They focused on the Fraser River and salmon fishing. Land use was already in harmony with natural processes.

Canada Tour Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village…

22 Jun 2014 38 13 144
Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village and the Four Seasons Winter In the winter months, storytelling was a popular pastime, which gave the following generations an understanding of their history, culture, and relationship to the land, as well as many jobs such as tanning hides, making clothes, and basket weaving. Spring Spring the time of celebration, giving thanks and asking for abundant gifts for the new seasons. Summer When spring gives way to summer, it is time to prepare for catching Chinook salmon. If the first salmon is caught , there was a feast , a celebration , to the return of life . The time of harvesting had begun. Life along the river awakened again. Autumn Is the time when hunters can show their skills and marksmanship. The clans practiced harmonious relationships with natural processes as taught by the elders. They knew the rotating hunting, trapping, and gathering areas, regular burning of the ground, to remove forest waste , limit the size of settlements.

Canada Tour Cariboo Highway

22 Jun 2014 14 8 74
On the Cariboo Highway The Cariboo Highway takes us north across the lake-strewn Fraser Plateau, through Cariboo Country, a region of rolling hills and prairies, dense forests, granite-walled canyons and impressive river valleys where ranching, logging and mining are the mainstays of the local economy.

Canada Tour Barkerville 1 xPiP

22 Jun 2014 27 13 109
on the Gold Rush Trail we reach Barkerville, just the drive to Barkerville is a highlight, the road winds through the countryside to the historic town of Barkerville. We have reached the historic town of Barkerville before we go into town , a few more rules for gold miners PIP1 TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR GOLD MINERS 1. you must not have more than one claim. 2. you must not make a false claim on yourself. 3. You shall not go prospecting until your claim is extinguished. 4th Thou shalt not think more of all thy gold, nor of how thou canst make it most quickly, than of how thou shalt enjoy it afterwards. 5. thou shalt not kill thy body by working in the rain. Neither shalt thou kill thy neighbor's body in single combat. Neither shall you destroy yourself by being "tight" or "subdued." 6. thou shalt not be discouraged, nor think of going home until thou hast made thy "heap." 7. thou shalt not steal thy fellow miner's pick, pan, or shovel, nor take away his tools without his permission, nor borrow those he cannot spare, nor remove his stake to increase thy claim, nor cheat thy partner out of his share. (8) Thou shalt not tell thy neighbors false stories about "good pits in the mountains" so that thou mayest favor a friend who has mules, supplies, tools, and blankets that he cannot sell. (9) Thou shalt not make an unsuitable marriage, nor desire "single bliss," nor forget absent maids, nor neglect thy first love, but consider how faithfully and patiently she waits for thy return. 10. if you have a wife and little children whom you love more than your life, keep them constantly before you to cheer you up and drive you on until you can say: "I have had enough; God bless them; I will return."

Canada Tour Barkerville 1 xPiP

21 Jun 2014 50 12 161
A historic town in the middle of no man's land Barkerville became the capital of the Cariboo Gold Rush in 1863 it is located east of Quesnel, the town was the largest town north of San Francisco. Named after gold miner Billy Barker, the population skyrocketed, the gold attracted many people to the area. In 1868 some wooden houses destroyed by fire, but most of them have been rebuilt. Barkerville becomes a ghost town After the gold rush was over, people left the town. The population decreased very quickly and many houses were now empty.

Canada Tour Barkerville 3 xPiP

21 Jun 2014 41 14 178
Nowadays the town is a tourist attraction. In 1958, the government decided to completely restore the town. The few inhabitants moved away or were relocated to New Barkerville Like in the old times The houses were furnished with appropriate furniture and utensils from the past time, giving an impression of life at that time. The churches are open to visitors, in the schoolhouse you can watch a lesson of the time, the blacksmith's craft is shown. Employees are dressed accordingly. In the historical costumes you can experience a little of the time. Horse carriages drive through the streets, one feels in another time. Barkerville is worth a visit the town shows impressively how people lived in the times of the gold rush. Here, time really seems to have stood still.

Canada Tour 2xPiP

23 Jun 2014 27 6 135
we continue north on the Cariboo Highway. PIP 1+2: Long log trucks are not uncommon here; the Canada is the third largest timber supplier in the world and earns 23 billion dollars from the timber industry every year. Each year, more than 250 million felled trees have to be removed. Natural conditions have created a climate over thousands of years , which is perfect for huge trees up to four meters in circumference and over 100 meters long. length. Huge trees also require huge trucks to transport them. .

Canada Tour 1xPiP

23 Jun 2014 28 12 128
On the Yellowhead Highway along various lakes and rivers as well as several bears, which are harmless, we drive to Hazelton / 'Ksan.

Canada Tour `Ksan native village

24 Jun 2014 14 4 83
At the entrance to the historic native village of Hazelton/ `Ksan

Canada Tour `Ksan native village 1xPIP

24 Jun 2014 39 7 146
Hazelton/ `Ksan is nestled in the spectacularly rugged Roche de Boule Mountain Range. Few places combine natural wonders, ancient cultures, frontier history and community charm so exquisitely. Ksan Historical Village is located near the ancient village of Gitanmaax at the confluence of the Bulkley and Skeena Rivers. Ksan has been home to the Gitxsan people for over 8000 years and is a place where generations past and present are honored.

Canada Tour `Ksan native village 1xPIP

24 Jun 2014 39 10 154
The Gitxsan tribe has reconstructed seven longhouses here in this traditional place. Very impressive look the long painted wooden houses that tell about the four clans that lived here. There is much to learn about the life, traditions and crafts of the Gitxsan tribe, which consists of the clans Frog, Eagle, Wolf and Fireweed. Each clan has its own independent long houses (Wilp), its traditional territories and fishing grounds. Marriages within a clan are forbidden.

Canada Tour `Ksan native village

24 Jun 2014 26 5 97
Here you can immerse yourself in the centuries-old culture of the native tribes and learn the stories of the pioneers.

Canada Tour `Ksan native village

24 Jun 2014 39 11 141
Totem Pole of the Gitxsan People... In front of each longhouse of the respective clan of the Gitxsan, stand the totems which were created by indigenous artists.

Canada Tour Hazelton 'Ksan Campground 1 xPiP

24 Jun 2014 42 16 144
Hazelton 'Ksan Campground is located in the heart of the Skeena and Bulkley Rivers. Here you have the opportunity to experience the heritage of the Gitxsan and northwestern BC, camping on this site, you wake up every morning under a beautiful mountain range as well as between the two rivers.

92 items in total