Kroatien Bike Tour

Kroatien Bike Tour

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 1xPiP

04 Sep 2018 16 7 126
The Church of St. Agnes has a marble baptismal font , statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary , the Sacred Heart of Jesus , St Agnes , St James , St Peter and St Theresa decorate the interior.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 1xPiP

04 Sep 2018 12 6 119
Mary the Protector A stone sculpture by local artist, in front of the church of St. Agnes Mary spreads her mantle wide, as the protector of all Christians .

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 3xPiP

04 Sep 2018 32 9 148
The tour in Croatia is still going on:-) Small fine grocery shops offer fruit and vegetables from the region in great variety. I am very fond of garlic - I love it. Two braids of it had to travel home with me :-)

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 3xPiP

04 Sep 2018 27 11 168
Windmills of Medulin The history of these mills began in 1872 with the arrival of the Pošić brothers, who had the idea to build two windmills on the seashore. The two windmills were the only ones of their kind in the Mediterranean area and they attracted grain traders from all over the world. In Medulin they began to grind different types of grain.

76 items in total