Kroatien Bike Tour

Kroatien Bike Tour

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 3xPiP

04 Nov 2022 31 14 175
Rovinj Rovinj today is one of Croatia's most developed holiday resorts. Rovinj is known as a picturesque and romantic town. You will feel this especially when you walk through the narrow streets of the old town.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 2xPiP

05 Nov 2022 36 8 176
The Old Town A picturesque old town on a peninsula , with the flair of past centuries . Since the space is limited, the buildings here were densely packed, high, narrow, narrow streets and small squares. Rovinj's chimneys are characteristic. Rovinj is considered a cultural monument

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 2xPiP

06 Nov 2022 30 8 215
Today is washing day How often is washed depends on the type of laundry.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 3xPip

07 Nov 2022 24 7 147
Various konobas (restaurant) A konoba in relation to a restaurant rather relatively small. Konobas offers simple typical dishes such as, fish dishes, sheep cheese, ham, bread, etc. always belong to it, the Drink selection is also typical of the country, wine, beer, soft drinks, spirits . The word konoba means wine cellar, stable, cellar tavern. Since in the past there was no electricity or suitable electrical equipment in the smaller villages, people dug deep cellars in the rock or built cellars of natural stone. The coastal area, which is characterized by the Mediterranean climate and in the summer the heat is particularly high, there was danger for perishable food. These konobas often became popular meeting places, wine, ham, dried fish, home distilled liquor, etc. were abundant. From this developed smaller catering establishments, the konobas.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 2xPIP

08 Nov 2022 31 8 136
The Church of St. Euphemia, a landmark of the town The Church of St. Euphemia, the pride of Rovinj, is a baroque building in Venetian style and the largest monument in the town, with valuable statues and altars. The copper statue at the top of the tower is 3.9 m high and was erected in 1758 to replace a wooden statue that had not withstood a lightning strike. The statue is built in such a way that it can turn in the direction of the wind.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj

08 Nov 2022 29 5 190
The town clock a special building on the main square in Rovinj. It used to be the southern tower of the town walls. The tower, built in the 12th century, was rebuilt several times, and the prison used to be under the tower. The clock from the middle of the 19th century with the lion of the Venetians used to be on the tower of the town gates.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 1xPiP

28 Sep 2022 25 7 141
Walk along the Rovinj seafront with a wonderful view of part of the Adriatic Sea

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 2xPiP

02 Sep 2018 20 4 120
In the alleys of Rovinj,there are various things to discover

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 2xPiP

02 Sep 2018 27 14 157
Also some curiosities you can meet there : A duck well styled on shopping tour ;-) Exhibition doll as clothes and goods stand, must not always be dressed :-) And the ulimative blue greened well secured bike. guaranteed a unique :-)

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 1xPiP

02 Sep 2018 15 2 104
Entrance façade of the Church of St. Euphemia The three-nave Baroque church towers high above the old town. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century on the foundations of an older church by a Venetian master builder. St. Euphemia is the patron saint of the city and all of Istria. The interior is dominated by arcades and columns which divide it into three naves, the central nave towering over the other naves.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Rovinj 1xPiP

02 Sep 2018 19 8 181
Blue hour A physical phenomenon at dusk is the blue hour. During this short hour after sunset, at the beginning of darkness, the sky turns deep blue, the surroundings illuminated by the remaining light. When day and night meet, impressive images are possible. PiP1: Sunset When the sun disappears below the horizon, we speak of sunset, the time of its setting in the daily course of the sun, as well as the celestial phenomenon as such with all its phenomena. After sunset follow the geographically different periods of twilight. In various cultures - among the ancient Germanic tribes, in Judaism, Islam - this marked the end of the day and the beginning of the following day. In modern times, the beginning of the day falls at midnight 00:00.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Prematura 2xPIP

03 Sep 2018 25 4 130
Through the forests on dusty gravel roads in search of.... PiP 1: Polje beach is one of the beaches of the village of Premantura, "A picturesque bay with tiny fishermen's cottages, small boats and crystal clear sea, Polje beach is freely accessible to all. here there is actually , only nature. It is mainly swimming and sunbathing :-) On the way through a rather barren but varied landscape

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Kameniak Nature Park 4xPiP

03 Sep 2018 26 7 153
Exploring the Kameniak Nature Park with its flora and fauna. Cape Kamenjak has a unique flora and fauna . Well over 580 different plant species have been recorded in the nature reserve , five of which have their only habitat in Croatia on Cape Kamenjak. A special botanical attraction are also the numerous orchid species and the typical sage. More than 23 different protected species can be found on Kamenjak. The cape is also used by the local population for livestock, olive growing and tourism. The fauna on Cape Kamenjak is rich in species, about 190 species of birds, rest or nest here in the park, a great variety of insects cavort in the park. Protected species of mollusks, various species of fish and sea urchins, sometimes the Mediterranean monk seal can be found in the area.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Porer Island 2xPIP

03 Sep 2018 33 11 167
A very special holiday home The Porer Lighthouse The lighthouse on the island of Porer, built in 1833 on the southernmost cape of Istria, is 35 metres high. The island is a rock about 80 m wide, 2.5 km from the mainland. The lighthouse houses two holiday flats. In the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse are beautiful bays and islets. The island is very small and can be circumnavigated in a few minutes. Magnificent sunsets, which are among the most beautiful in the Adriatic, make walks an unforgettable experience. Very strong sea currents and winds blow around the island all day long, which can limit bathing pleasure a little. The transfer to the island is by boat from Medulin and it takes 35 to 45 minutes to reach the tower, depending on the weather. You should buy food for your holiday before the transfer ;-) Views of the sky to which you seem a little closer.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Kameniak Nature Park 1xPiP

03 Sep 2018 23 7 137
Everything under observation The seagull is watching my wife and she is watching the seagull. Everything under control ;-)

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 2xPiP

04 Sep 2018 35 12 174
A tour to Medulin The Medulin area has been inhabited since prehistoric times. The Romans appreciated the natural beauty of Medulin and built their summer residences here. Today's residents also appreciate beautiful residences with magnificent gardens.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 1xPiP

04 Sep 2018 27 7 134
The Church of St. Agnes The only church in Istria with two towers, in Istria all churches have only one bell tower.

Kroatien Bike Tour/ Medulin 2xPiP

04 Sep 2018 17 4 127
The Church of St. Agnes Built on a hill, easily visible from afar and from the sea. Most Catholic churches are oriented east-west and their bell towers are on the west side, the bell towers of St. Anna's Church are on the east front, the entrance is on the west side, the apse and the altar are on the east side, which contradicts the usual construction.

76 items in total