CinqueTerre 247

5 Terre


CinqueTerre / Monterosso 2xPIP

25 Aug 2022 14 3 80
From the Giant we go up past this domicile of a well-heeled Italian which must have cost a few lire back then :-) PIP1: the tower which was converted into vacation apartments we leave to the left. PIP2: on the hiking trail on the left we start to gain altitude.

CinqueTerre /Monterosso 2xPIP

24 Aug 2022 38 12 170
On our way from Monterosso to Levanto, there is a lot that amazed me: PIP1: Such military installations are to be seen at this coast some, it seems one has adjusted there in former times already to attacks from the sea PIP2: The statue of the giant The Giant is a figure carved out of the rock above the beach. The statue of the Giant represents the sea god Neptune, who looks at the beach and the sea, if you believe the tradition he protects the fishermen. The statue is fourteen meters high and weighs one hundred and seventy tons. It was designed in 1910 by the architect Francesco Levacher and built by the sculptor Arrio Minerbi. Originally, there was a terrace on the rock where dance events were held. During the Second World War, the statue was damaged in a bombing raid and then not rebuilt to its original state. To make an idea of the original appearance of the statue.

CinqueTerre / Monterosso 4xPIP

23 Aug 2022 44 14 159
On the way in the old town The old town of Monterosso is characterized by the typical narrow medieval streets, the carruggi, with their colorful terraced houses.

CinqueTerre / Monterosso 3xPIP

22 Aug 2022 46 13 166
View to Monterosso al Mare Somewhat remote from Italy's main tourist destinations, but all the more worth seeing for it, is the village of Monterosso al Mare. The fishing village nestles on the steep cliffs of the Ligurian coast, and the view over the sea and the town from the higher vineyards and olive groves is breathtaking. PIP1+2: over steep stairs past storerooms hewn into the rock, the path descends to the sea and the town. PIP3: We have to hike down a few metres, then we reach sea level and the small town of Monterosso.


21 Aug 2022 29 9 119
The houses built into the steep slopes seem like swallows' nests to me. PIP1+2: Appropriate equipment is recommended for walking on these slopes. PIP3: Sometimes you hardly believe that there is a way through this steep green :-)

CinqueTerre Vernazza

22 Sep 2008 30 13 148
View of the town of Vernazza The town is often considered the most impressive of the Cinque Terre. A high economic and social level, which the town reached already in the Middle Ages, is still evident today in the urban construction and in architectural elements of great value. The town is overlooked by ruins of the "Castrum" and by medieval fortification walls dating back to the 11th century, as well as a castle and a round tower. PIP1: up in the vineyards and olive groves you feel like in the jungle :-) PIP2: the view along the steep slopes to Monterosso

CinqueTerre 3xPiP

11 Nov 2021 56 19 438
We continue from sea level up into the vineyards and olive groves, the views are very grand and unique, the boat is probably the preparation for the deluge :-)

CinqueTerre 2x PiP

09 Nov 2021 66 18 360
on the way through the colourful, winding alleys in these picturesque villages

HBM / CinqueTerre

22 Sep 2008 34 21 344
There are more important things in life than constantly increasing its speed. Mahatma Ghandi She has just taken this to heart ;-) and sat down for a break.

HFF/ CinqueTerre

06 Jul 2021 56 41 318
HFF well secured are the paths and bridges here ;-) a nice autumn weekend and take care of you stay healthy

CinqueTerre 3xPiP

04 Nov 2021 52 23 369
You should be reasonably good on foot to see this natural beauty and then descend into the villages ;-)

CinqueTerre 1x PiP

06 Jul 2021 48 13 264
The coastal railroad line Genoa - La Spezia In 1874, the railroad line was built along the coast from Genoa to La Spezia, each town was given a station. Outside the villages and stations, the line runs almost exclusively in tunnels. The railroad is still the most important connection between the villages and the surrounding countryside, only Riomaggiore and Manarola can be reached by the well-built road.

CinqueTerre 4xPiP

06 Jul 2021 30 14 257
on the way on the Sentiero Azzurro coastal path from Gorniglia to Vernazza. The steep stairs and the rich vegetation of this coastal strip are particularly impressive. The paths are ancient connecting routes between villages that already existed in the Middle Ages and today cross the Cinque Terre National Park.

CinqueTerre 3x PiP

23 Sep 2008 33 10 179
We continue towards Gorniglia over various bridge constructions and past some delicacies which grow here and also the animal world shows its sleepy side ;-) last but not least a look at the nested, colorful houses of Gorniglia

CinqueTerre 4x PiP

30 Oct 2021 34 17 191
the journey in the 5 Terre continues La via dell'Amore or the path of love is a footpath with a view of the sea, it connects the villages of Riomaggiore and Manarola. In its current state, the path can not be walked, a repair is scheduled for 2023. The path would be one of the main tourist attractions in the region and an integral part of the Cinque Terre National Park, a World Heritage Site.

CinqueTerre 1xPiP

23 Aug 2009 48 21 304
what fascinates me always and everywhere are the rock formations with all their artistic shapes, as these two pictures show them

CinqueTerre 1xPiP

23 Sep 2008 67 19 369
La via dell'Amore or the path of love is a pedestrian path overlooking the sea, a little over a kilometre long, connecting the villages of Riomaggiore and Manarola. It is one of the sections of the Sentiero Azzurro, the most popular hiking trail in the Cinque Terre National Park. The name of the path comes from the fact that it provided a simple and protected meeting place for young lovers living in the two small towns in the mountainous landscape. The path is one of the most important tourist attractions in the region and an essential part of the Cinque Terre National Park, which is a World Heritage Site.

50 items in total