Macro Mondays Natur  1x PiP

Macro Monday

MM Vergänglickkeit, Transience , éphémère , transi…

29 Aug 2020 57 25 281
Vergänglickkeit, Transience , éphémère , transition the time is running this little hourglass shows me again and again how transient everything is The hourglasses are not only a reminder of the fast flight of time, but also of the dust in which we will one day fall. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg I wish you all an eventful and beautiful week

MM 2xPiP

07 Sep 2020 26 13 297
The topic of aluminium and tin cans does not exist in our household, only in glass containers you can find a lot of things here :-)!

Macro Monday / Wasser

14 Sep 2020 40 15 268
Wasser dient hier als Reinigungsmittel Wasser, mäßig genossen, ist unschädlich. Mark Twain

MM Digital

21 Sep 2020 29 17 257
My digital companion on my wrist I wish everyone a good start into the new week

Macro Monday

05 Oct 2020 17 10 184
Data window wish everyone a good week with not too much data load :-)

Macro Monday 1x PiP

10 Oct 2020 47 16 284
My organization magnet/ Clean up magnet Magnetic forces can be easily felt when a magnet is approached to another magnet or when holding ferrous material/ paper clips with it. The magnetic forces are caused by electric currents/charges which are in motion. The law of attraction is best understood if you see yourself as a magnet that receives more and more of what it feels. Abraham Hicks

Macro Monday/ Autumn

19 Oct 2020 54 21 295
European spindle tree, flowering from May to June. The fruits ripen from September to October and then open with four flaps. The white, egg-shaped seeds are completely covered by a thin, orange seed coat. Because the fruit resembles the biretta, the Catholic priest, the plant is called Pfaffenhütchen. All parts of the Pfaffenhütchen plant are poisonous. The Pfaffenhütchen is a valuable field tree for erosion control, bank and embankment restoration. Because of its beautiful autumn colouring, the red fruits, the Pfaffenhütchen is often planted as an ornamental shrub in gardens and parks.

Macro Monday toxic

26 Oct 2020 24 16 241
MM toxic unfortunately there are still such containers in my workshop, but there is some work on the house, it is not possible without such ingredients! wish you all a poison free new week and stay healthy

MM 1xPiP

05 Dec 2020 15 10 227
10 ampere current rating to be found on the product label see PIP

MM Fahrrad/bicycle

01 Feb 2021 21 10 223
Brake disc of my e-bike

MM 45°

08 Feb 2021 27 12 226
The 45° divided coat of arms of Winterthur

Macro Monday

15 Feb 2021 19 11 164
Klebt, It Sticks, ca Colle yes they stick by themselves the hole amplifier rings

MM Nuts

22 Feb 2021 27 10 215
Nuts unfortunately not edible, but for various works very useful nuts :-)

Macro Monday 1xPiP

01 Mar 2021 35 20 197
The knob / handle to the oven door of my tiled stove, the oven is always heated in the transitional period

MM Fire 3xPiP

06 Jun 2013 55 26 327
MM Fire in several variations, didn't have the courage to go closer, was relatively warm ;-)

MM Board games 2xPiP

12 Apr 2021 51 17 211
Board games These games are always with us on all journeys, the game pieces are magnetic, so it is wonderful to play even in stormy seas, train journeys or bumpy flights :-)

Macro Monday 1xPiP

05 Apr 2021 25 15 192
Macro Monday / Remote Control The remote release from my camera, always does a good job :-)

MM Spices 1xPiP

29 Mar 2021 42 26 221
MM Spices Nutmeg is the seed of the nutmeg tree. Nutmeg trees grow up to 15 metres high and originate from the Moluccas, an Indonesian archipelago. Nutmeg trees can grow to be about 100 years old. Nutmegs are mainly used as a spice, for cooking, but nutmeg can do a lot more, Nutmeg is also used in natural medicine. The effect of nutmeg has been somewhat forgotten in modern society. In Asian countries, people use the nut to strengthen the nerves and it promotes digestion.

43 items in total