Piemont Tour 2019

Piemont Tour 2019

Piemont Tour 2019 /Colle Don Bosco 2xPiP

23 Sep 2019 49 13 276
at the start and the drive past to the next stage a last view of this unique building.

Piemont Tour 2019 2xPiP

23 Sep 2019 25 9 220
on the second stage through the hills and hazelnut groves for "Nutella bread spread" we continue south towards the day's destination Asti

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 35 10 247
Piazza San Secondo Piazza San Secondo, one of the most important squares, is only used for the canonical events of Asti, such as the Palio and Sagre Festival. Palio di Asti is a traditional Italian festival of medieval origin, which reaches its climax with a bareback horse race. The race has been held every year since the 13th century. In 1988, the race was moved to another square in the centre of Asti, where it is held every third Sunday in September takes place. The Sagre Festival is an event that celebrates the customs and traditions of rural life and is held on the second Sunday in September each year. The festival attracts about two hundred thousand visitors every year.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 28 8 205
On the left the city palace (Asti) On Right The Collegiate Church of San Secondo City palace (Asti) It is the seat of the Municipal Council of the City of Asti and of the Mayor and the seat of the Council of the Palio di Asti. It is a building of medieval origin, since 1558 it has been definitively given to the city government, as the noble Savoy family donated it to the city of Asti. The Collegiate Church of San Secondo is one of the oldest Gothic churches in Asti. With the adjoining Town Hall and overlooking the square of the same name in the heart of the city. It is dedicated to San Secondo, the patron saint of the city. Since the 11th century the Collegiate Church of the Saint has been at the forefront of Asti's politics, the bishops' lack of interest in the city meant that the most important political and commercial events of the city took place in the church. In 1256 the construction of the present church began, the old imposing Romanesque bell tower remained from the old church.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 1xPiP

23 Sep 2019 51 15 296
Church of San Secondo Remarkable in the central nave, the altar of black marble from Mondovì and red marble from France and the statue of San Secondo on the top.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 1xPiP

23 Sep 2019 55 17 254
Trojan Tower The Torre Troiana (clock and bell tower), is one of the symbols of the city. It is one of the most imposing and best preserved medieval towers in Piedmont. It has a square ground plan of about 5x5 meters, is 44 meters high and is made of exposed masonry The tower from the second half of the 13th century. It was built by the Troyan family as a symbol of their wealth and power.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 39 13 237
a white marble figure in front of one of the town's bankers, these marble figures also bear witness to wealth and power

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 29 10 192
Torre Comentina / Palazzo Medici The Comentina Tower and the clock and bell tower are the only towers that have been preserved intact in the city. The construction of the tower dates back to the 13th century and it is one of the highest towers in Asti and Piedmont. The tower was also the command post for the Palio race for several centuries.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 2xPiP

23 Sep 2019 17 130
Monument to Umberto I "del Cavallo" After the death of his father Vittorio Emanuele II on 9 January 1878, Umberto succeeded him on the Italian throne under the name of Umberto I and Umberto IV on the throne of Savoy.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 24 3 129
Church of the Oblates of St. Joseph The present building was built between 1927 and 1931 when it was consecrated, before that there was an 18th century church dedicated to St. Agnes in baroque style together with a convent of the Poor Clares. The current sacred building is in neo-Gothic style with Romanesque-Byzantine influences, the façade in red brick, houses an imposing three-and-a-half meter high statue of St. Joseph .

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 47 11 253
The Torre Rossa / The old church San Secondo of the Red Tower The Torre Rossa is a Romanesque tower, it is 24 metres high and has the shape of a 16-sided polygon. It is one of the oldest buildings in Asti, built in different eras, the red part built in the 1st century B.C., the highest part in tufa stone in the 11th century B.C. It probably belonged to a city gate from Roman times. In the 12th century it became the bell tower of the adjacent church, a function it still has today. The church was probably built around the Romanesque tower, legend has it that St. Secundus of Asti was imprisoned here before his beheading on 30 March 119.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti

23 Sep 2019 20 4 165
a little away from the tourist flow, in the narrow streets of Asti, one of many typical houses, which have undergone some additions and renovations

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 1xPiP

23 Sep 2019 39 11 234
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e San Gottardo; Cattedrale di Asti The Cathedral of Asti is the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Asti, dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Saint Gotthard. One of the largest churches in Piedmont, 82 metres long and 24 metres high, it is one of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in the region and a good example of Lombard Romanesque architecture. Around 1070 the building collapsed, also as a result of a fire started by Adelaide of Susa in her dispute with the bishops. In 1095 the rebuilt cathedral was consecrated by Pope Urban II during the first crusade.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 2xPiP

23 Sep 2019 46 13 245
Inside you can see a Latin cross with three naves and a pentagonal apse. The interior is covered with countless frescoes and statues, it looks a little oppressive.

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti 2xPiP

23 Sep 2019 38 9 213
Three more trouvailles which are found in the church, the marble altar with the silver candlesticks and a silver tabernacle the gilded altar surrounded by countless biblical images and the beautiful organ with its wooden sculptures

Piemont Tour 2019 / Asti - Canelli

01 Sep 2019 5 4 142
Next stage continues, over the hilly vineyards through agricultural land and small villages and towns worth seeing, to Canelli

Piemont Tour 2019 1xPiP

24 Sep 2019 31 9 215
On side roads through the Piedmontese hilly landscape

Piemont Tour 2019 1xPiP

24 Sep 2019 56 23 276
"Nutella" who doesn't know this hazelnut cream from Ferrero? here hazelnuts grow in huge hazelnut groves, you can easily see the newly planted bushes in the bright fields

132 items in total