Aschi "Freestone"'s photos

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 78 26 686
The Dune du Pilat is one of the coastal dunes of Aquitaine, it is the only dune in this system that is still in motion. The effects of these movements can be clearly seen here, trees, shrubs, grasses, whole forests are slowly swallowed up.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 24 9 371
Once you get to the top, you'll be rewarded with a great view. The dune consists of 135 hectares of pure sand, and the surrounding woods cover about 4000 hectares. As this area is of great ecological interest, it was declared a nature reserve in 1978.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 46 15 367
Dune du Pilat is a must when you're around here, The Pilat dune is located at the entrance to the Arcachon basin.


26 Jul 2011 106 63 545
HFF my dear friends at Ipernity. Who has no fence, has no enemies. Proverb so I wish you all a fence free sunny weekend ;-)

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 30 12 447
The view from the hill in Pila, over the narrowest part of the basin Arcachon to Cap Ferret

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 19 3 216
in such villas the summer can be spent here certainly well

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 26 7 264
Passing by these beautiful beaches and the great summer residences

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 40 16 489
At the entrance to Pereire Park Pereire Park is an authentic and natural place and offers many opportunities for relaxation for pedestrians, joggers, rollerbladers and cyclists. A large green forest area with a beach of fine sand bordered by a pine forest. You can cross the park on cycle paths.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

06 Sep 2015 29 7 306
Das Hotel Le Dauphin unsere Unterkunft für die nächsten Tage, das Gebäude ist eine authentische Arcachon-Villa aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, welches den ganzen Charme und den Charakter dieser Zeit bewahrte, typisch für diese majestätischen Arcachon-Villen . Das Hotel hat eine ausserordentlich Geschichte . Tolstoi, ein grosser der russischen Literatur, residierte 1892 im Hotel Le Dauphin, das Gebäude hieß damals noch La Villa Verdi.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 42 11 486
A phenomenon which is reflected in the sand and on the collectors of the oyster farms is the red, rusty colour. In the land of Gascony soil consists of an iron oxide interspersed with sandstone. The water seeping into the groundwater is heavily saturated with dissolved iron, causing visible traces of red and rust on the banks and collectors.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 32 6 314
The centre of oyster farming is the bay of Arcachon, where young oysters are raised. In the clean and warm waters of Arcachon Bay, young oysters thrive better, more reliably than in the cool north. At the age of eight to ten months, the seed oysters are removed from the substrate and delivered to the breeding parks in northern France and Ireland, which are highly dependent on Arcachon supplies.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 28 6 254
Substrates, often in the form of lime-coated roof tiles (ridge tiles) but also various plastic products, are used as collectors, they are placed about 20 cm above the seabed in boxes (sometimes also called "beehives").

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 23 4 226
Oyster farming has been practised in the Arcachon basin since 1852, when the first oyster banks were created. The very clean waters of the Bay of Arcachon, combined with abundant plankton, ideal salinity and ideal water temperatures, provide healthy, tasty oysters, but also stimulate the mating instinct. Arcachon is considered the oyster nursery of France. Today there are about 350 oyster farms and the average annual production is 10,000 tons.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 21 6 230
another oyster farm in the Arcachon basin The Arcachon basin measures 200 square kilometres, the basin is almost separated from the Atlantic by the Cap Ferret peninsula, so at high tide the water can flow into the bay between Cap Ferret and Arcachon and at low tide back into the Atlantic, ensuring the daily exchange of water in the bay for oyster farming.

HFF Suspension Bridge

12 Feb 2012 52 44 560
HFF for everyone, wish you a pleasant, beautiful, relaxing, free weekend

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 45 14 289
View of an oyster farm Cap Ferret is also well known for its oyster farms and the many test points where you can get the speciality.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 24 7 311
It has made the cape famous and made Cap Ferret a popular destination in the heart of Gascony and the Pays de Buch.

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

04 Sep 2015 16 5 268
After a pleasant journey we have Cap Ferret reached. Cap Ferret the southernmost point on the spit separating the Bassin d'Arcachon from the Atlantic Ocean. The peninsula has a very short history, dating back almost 3000 years, making it one of the youngest coastlines in Gascony.

2156 items in total