Aschi "Freestone"'s photos

Canada Tour Tofino 3xPiP

27 Jun 2014 21 6 93
Tofino a place on the west coast Vancouver Island Tofino owes its name to the Spanish cartographer, mathematician and naval officer Vicente Tofiño. The population increases tenfold in summer and there are always bottlenecks in the drinking water supply. The first contact between the First Nation and Europeans took place during an expedition in 1774. In 1778 the next contact of the First Nation with Europeans, the English explorer James Cook on his third voyage to the South Seas sailed along the coast of Vancouver Island. The present community developed from about 1890 onwards, and from 1909 onwards more European settlers and farmers, mostly of Norwegian, English and Scottish descent, moved into the nascent community. Beginning in 1920, the residential school system was introduced when school attendance became compulsory throughout Canada. All Tla-o-qui-aht children between the ages of 7 and 15 were now required to attend these schools. This system was to become one of the mainstays of integration policy, but the violent conditions in these schools led to a wave of lawsuits. There were thousands of assaults on students and high mortality rates in these schools, which were mostly run by faith-based organizations, for which the Canadian government apologized in 2008 In 1983, the school in Tofino was one of the last of these schools in Canada to be closed. PIP3: Tofino has been connected to the east coast of the island via a road link to Nanaimo since 1959. Regular buses run from Nanaimo and Victoria to Tofino and provide the town with mail. The mainland, around Vancouver, can be reached by ferries via Nanaimo, and the Seattle area by ferries via Victoria. About 11 kilometers southeast of the is the Tofino/Long Beach Airport. The community's seaplane port is located in Tofino Harbor, protected by offshore islands. The economic focus is on tourism In summer, Tofino attracts surfers, hikers, campers and "whale watchers". Bear-watching" is also offered. Worth mentioning for whale watchers is the annual Whale Festival in early March. This festival celebrates the arrival of the gray whales, which make a stop in Tofino on their way from Mexico to Alaska.

Canada Tour Port Hardy Vancouver Island

26 Jun 2014 21 4 102
Port Hardy Port Hardy is a small town in the north of Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It is the northernmost town on the island.The history of the First Nations, dating back about 8000 years, and the history of the so-called pioneers characterize the island Finds of the settlement of Vancouver Island show artifacts that can be dated to about 6000 BC. Between 3000 BC and 500 AD, an obsidian blade culture prevailed, followed by maritime culture characterized by canoes and prey animals, namely seals and salmon. the tribes, equipped with rifles through the fur trade with the Europeans, became successful traders and slave hunters, extending their raids as far north as Washington. From the 1950s until 1991, the Royal Canadian Air Force maintained a radar station near the town. Despite a small population and surrounding wilderness, Port Hardy has a small-town feel. It offers enough services, so there is a visitor as well as a shopping center and supermarkets, 24-hour gas stations, clothing and art stores, a gymnasium, car dealers, bank branches, a library, churches, bars and restaurants and smaller stores. A hospital, fire station and ambulance, and police station make up the public services.


30 Sep 2023 27 17 138
HBM an iron bench, cushion recommended wish you all a good start of the week

MM Sicherheitsnadel / Safety Pin

09 Oct 2023 12 5 101
MM Sicherheitsnadel / Safety pin The beginning of the safety pin

Canada Tour Inside Passage

26 Jun 2014 27 2 135
Shortly before docking in Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, we meet the ferry from Bella Colla and Namu.

Canada Tour Inside Passage

05 Oct 2023 23 6 101
The bald eagle is a large bird of prey from the Accipitridae family. The bald eagle is the heraldic bird of the USA and can therefore be seen on its seal. The population of the bald eagle, which originally occurred in large parts of North America, had been declining since the 19th century. This is due to shooting, the use of DDT and habitat changes. The first legal decrees for the protection of the bald eagle were passed in the early 20th century, which were tightened in the following years. After DDT was banned, populations recovered. Bald eagles are now found again throughout their original range and populations have recovered to the point where they are no longer considered endangered. Along with the California condor, bald eagles are the largest birds of prey in North America. Their body size is 70-90 cm, wingspan 1.80-2.50 m and weight 2.5-6.3 kg. Proportions and plumage colouration are very similar to the white-tailed eagle, but the colouration of the bald eagle is more contrasting. The head, neck, tail, under and upper tail coverts are white, body and wings are dark brown. Feet, beak, wax skin and iris of the eyes are light yellow.

Canada Tour Inside Passage 1xPiP

26 Jun 2014 28 2 132
On the way to Bella Bella, which was announced with an enormous cloud of smoke, there was a larger house on fire. PIP2: It didn't bother the two sea eagles that took up residence on the ship Bella Bella, also known as Waglisla, is home to the Heiltsuk people. The community is located on Lama Passage, part of the Inside Passage - a transportation route that connects the Territory, northern British Columbia and Alaska by ship. For the Heiltsuk, the settlement is "a kind of national capital." Bella Bella was established between 1897 and 1903 and is located on Campbell Island. With a population of 1,400, Bella Bella is the largest community on the Central Coast north of Queen Charlotte Strait. Like many small communities on the coast, Bella Bella ekes out a precarious and isolated existence. The closure of coastal canneries and reduced demand for coastal vessels have led to the decline of Bella Bella's port. However, the resumption of ferry service by BC Ferries and the introduction of air service from Vancouver via Port Hardy by Pacific Coastal Airlines have revitalized Bella Bella. Bella Bella has a number of facilities: a large general store, the Bella Bella Community School, Alexa's Restaurant, the Koeye Cafe, the Thistalalh Memorial Library, an RCMP police station (with a district court every 1.5 months), the Bella Bella Medical Clinic, staffed by 3 physicians and a nurse practitioner, and R.W. Large Memorial Hospital and its pharmacy. The CIBC bank branch closed in 2007.

Canada Tour Inside Passage 2xPiP

04 Oct 2023 28 7 117
On the Inside Passage We sail through deep fjords, green forested slopes and shores glide by, through The sparkling deep blue water and wafts of mist accompany us. An untouched landscape stretches before us, occasionally we see fishermen's huts or a lighthouse as a sign of civilization. Sea eagles can be seen in flight and sometimes even whales.


30 Sep 2023 32 24 158
a granite stone seat from the Swiss mountains a cushion you have to bring yourself ;-) a good start of the week

MM Tabak / Tobacco

10 Apr 2016 6 7 105
MM The product of a tobacco farmer

Canada Tour Inside Passage 1xPiP

26 Jun 2014 33 9 146
View in the direction of the ferry PiP : Tugboat with attached barge on which all kinds of goods, machines and apparatus are transported.

Canada Tour Inside Passage 1xPiP

26 Jun 2014 31 10 139
If we look ahead here, the passage in the Fiord seems to be a bit narrow ,-) PiP : I am always fascinated by the swirling water behind the big ships.

SSC Baustelle / Construction site

30 Sep 2023 14 9 92
Construction site in front of our house a nice weekend to you all without construction noise:-)

Canada Tour Inside Passage 1xPiP

26 Jun 2014 39 9 156
On the Inside Passage We sail through deep fjords, green forested slopes and shores glide by, through The sparkling, deep blue water.

Canada Tour Inside Passage

Canada Tour Inside Passage 1xPiP

26 Jun 2014 10 3 70
Inside Passage Be enchanted by the most beautiful fjords of Canada The Inside Passage runs from British Columbia in Canada to Alaska and is one of the most beautiful fjord coasts in the world. Here lonely bays and a labyrinth of countless islands alternate and offer the habitat for a fascinating animal kingdom Whales, dolphins, sea lions and bald eagles can be observed. From the coast, nature stretches inland. The Inside Passage area has been home to various Native American tribes for centuries, as evidenced by the many totem poles in coastal towns. Even today, the cultural history of this region is very much alive.


21 Jul 2023 29 22 132
HBM an artistic backrest adorns this wooden bench good start into the new week

2156 items in total