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  Publication date  /  2008  /  June   -   44 photos

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  • Algarve, Loulé, sanctuary (1)
  • Algarve, Vila Sol Hotel, pontoon
  • Algarve, River Guadiana (1)
  • Algarve, Praia da Rocha, seagull at the balcony
  • Algarve, Vila Sol Hotel, sculpture made from a trunk
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, "Cathedral" marine caves (1)
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha (1)
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, marine caves (2)
  • Florence
  • Algarve, Rio Guadiana (2)
  • Algarve, Praia Boca do Rio (1)
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha (2)
  • Sevilla, Cartuxa Island, river navigation control tower
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, marine caves (3)
  • Rafaela, vague looking
  • Algarve, Natural Reserve of Castro Marim (4)
  • Vatican, Former Papal Apartments, Raphael's Stanze
  • Algarve, Loulé, bell-tower
  • Mozambique, 1969-1971
  • Algarve, old Portuguese caravel (replica)
  • Escape's Point - II (painting)
  • "Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela Horta, 2006, catalogue (1)
  • "Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela Horta, 2006, catalogue (2)
  • "Beyond the Surface", cover of the book for awareness and public information on marine science
  • Sea-star, Vila Nova de Milfontes (Portugal), 2006
  • Pantropical spotted dolphins, S. Tomé e Príncipe, 2005
  • Algarve, coast, love life planning
  • Algarve, sailing ship at the mouth of the small river Boina
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, "Church", marine caves (4)
  • Escola de Mar "School of Sea", Orcas in Tarifa (Spain), 19/20 July 2008
  • Escola de Mar "School of Sea", Scientific Investigation Course on Marine Biology, from 25 to 30 July 2008
  • Algarve, Praia Boca do Rio (2)
  • Escola de Mar "School of Sea", Cetacean Course: from Animal Ashores to Investigation, 1, 2, 4 & 7 July 2008
  • Lisboa, Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, main building, main hall
  • Algarve, Praia Arrifana, fishing from the cliff
  • Zoo Garden of Lisbon, zebra (4)
  • Lisboa, trees' tenderness
  • Algarve, Vila Sol Hotel, women's talk (sculptures)
  • Algarve, Lagos
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, Cap. Fernando Cabrita
  • Algarve, Praia Marinha, marine caves (5)
  • Algarve, Praia Galé, low tide (1)
  • Lisboa, Basilica of Estrela
  • Nausea (illustration)