Sintra, Sea of Guincho (1)

Sintra & Cascais

Sintra, Sea of Guincho (1)

09 Jan 2011 16 18 1733
taken with an iPhone camera, 5800 Xpres NOKIA

Sintra, Sea of Guincho (2)

01 Mar 2009 10 9 1393

Sintra, Sea of Guincho (3)

Sintra, Sea of Guincho, Cape of Roca (4)

01 Mar 2009 4 3 869
CABO DA ROCA is the most occidental point at the European Continent defined by the poet Luís Vaz de Camões as the place "where the land finishes and the sea begins"

Sintra, Sea of Guincho (5)

Sintra, Sea of Guincho (6)

01 Mar 2009 13 11 1272

Sintra, Beach of Adraga (1)

"Where the Land Finishes and the Sea Begins", L. V…

09 Jan 2011 11 13 1233
taken with an iPhone camera, 5800 Xpres NOKIA ....................................................................................... Sea of Guincho, Cape of Roca

Sintra, Beach of Adraga (2)

Sierra of Sintra, water spring

09 Jan 2011 2 4 617
taken with an iPhone camera, 5800 Xpres NOKIA

Crystalline Water Thread

09 Jan 2011 5 7 648
Sierra of Sintra .......................... taken with a smartphone camera 5800 Xpres NOKIA

Cascais, PAULA REGO House of Stories

09 Jan 2011 14 20 1521
In September 18th, 2009 a new museum dedicated to the work of PAULA REGO, opened in Cascais. The building was designed by the architect SOUTO MOURA and is called Casa das Histórias Paula Rego / Paula Rego House of Stories. (1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2017)

The Bride, 1972 (painting)

09 Jan 2011 5 6 1061
PAULA REGO in the 1970s - Folk Tales and Other Stories is her second exhibition at Casa das Histórias. Its starting-point is the artist's study of Portuguese Folk Tales, a pursuit she would later take further in London, where as a bursar she researched the writers and illustrations of Fairy Tales from the 18th to the 20th century. Bringing into her paintings and drawings plots taken from these stories, Paula Rego fuses autobiographical passages and an attentive reading of the paradoxes.

Rosebud, 1974 (painting)

09 Jan 2011 2 2 1123
PAULA REGO in the 1970s - Folk Tales and other stories is her second exhibition at Casa das Histórias. Its starting-point is the artist´s study of Portuguese Folk Tales, a pursuit she would later take further in London, where as a bursar she researched the writers and illustrators of Fairy Tales from the 18th to 20th century. Bringing into her paintings and drawings plots taken from these stories, Paula Rego fuses autobiographical passages and an attentive reading of the paradoxes.

Lunch For Two

09 Jan 2011 4 5 445
S.Pedro de Sintra, Restaurant "O Javali" ...................................................................... taken with a smartphone camera, 5800 Xpres NOKIA

I recognized perfums shadows light...

11 Dec 2014 7 14 268 the Sintra Sierra

"Fernão Capelo Gaivota"

07 Dec 2015 10 18 374
Lighthouse of Santa Marta, Museu do Mar, Cascais

The schooners of the King D. Carlos I in Cascais B…

10 Dec 2015 7 11 377
Museu do Mar, Cascais (Lightbox view, please)

69 items in total